Players in grades 4th-12th are welcome to participate in our youth volleyball leagues.
These leagues are designed to provide an opportunity for 4th–12th players to participate in an organized volleyball league. The program will emphasize instruction in the fundamental skills of volleyball and the concept of teamwork and sportsmanship in a youth sports activity.
Applicants should register at grade level they will enter in September. Players that make the high school Varsity, JV, JVII teams are ineligible to play in the fall program. Completed Medical Consent Forms and Parent/Athlete Concussion Forms are required before a player can participate in our league.
To Register
If you have never registered online we, download the "Online Registration Guide" for your convenience. Please note that registration for youth basketball leagues must be done online or in person at the Athletic Center. Phone-in registration has been discontinued.
To register, please complete the following steps. Registered players will be contacted by their coach once teams are set.
You must have a valid THPRD account
Enter myTHPRD portal and click the "Sports League Registration" link.
Complete and return the following documents to Athletic Center staff:
If you are interested or know of anyone interested in coaching a volleyball team, please complete this online coaching application or call 503/629-6330 for more information. Training is available.
We will not share your e-mail address; we will only use it to provide you with information about THPRD programs, activities and events. If, at any time, you no longer wish to receive this information, you may unsubscribe by following simple instructions at the bottom of each e-newsletter.