Stay connected to THPRD! Volunteer, search for job opportunities or interact via e-newsletter, email, and social media channels.
Stay connected to THPRD! Volunteer, search for job opportunities or interact via e-newsletter, email, and social media channels.
What's on your mind? If you have a concern, a question, or a "kudos" (we love those!), we'd love to hear from you. Contact us now, and we'll respond as soon as possible.
To facilitate a faster response, please select the most appropriate topic.
Park Watch Report
See something in a THPRD park we should know about? Please use our Park Watch Report form to let us know. Tell us about park problems including off leash dogs, graffiti, vandalism, improper trail usage, abandoned vehicles, or unauthorized camping.
Please note, do not use this form if you are in danger. Immediately report the emergency to local law enforcement.