To consider information or records that are exempt by law from public inspection,
To consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed, and
To conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to negotiate real property transactions.
The Executive Session is held pursuant to ORS 192.660(2), which allows the Board to meet in Executive Session to discuss the aforementioned legal and land issues.
President, Joe Blowers, noted that representatives of the news media and designated staff may attend the Executive Session. All other members of the audience are asked to leave the room. Representatives of the news media are specifically directed not to disclose information discussed during the Executive Session. No final action or final decision may be made in Executive Session. At the end of the Executive Session, the Board will return to open session and welcome the audience back into the room.
Agenda Item #2 – Call Regular Meeting to Order President, Joe Blowers, called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Agenda Item #3 – Action Resulting from Executive Session
Bill Kanable moved the Board of Directors approve public funding for the purchase of a parcel in the southeast quadrant and authorize the General Manager and staff to execute the acquisition of the property. Larry Pelatt seconded the motion. Roll call proceeded as follows:
John Griffiths Yes
Bob Scott Yes
Larry Pelatt Yes
Bill Kanable Yes
Joe Blowers Yes
The motion was UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. Bob Scott moved the Board of Directors approve the proposed lot line adjustment survey in the northeast quadrant and authorize staff to proceed with the lot line adjustment application with Washington County and upon completion of the lot line adjustment application, authorize staff to move forward with the selling of the residential parcel. Bill Kanable seconded the motion. Roll call proceeded as follows:
Larry Pelatt Yes
John Griffiths Yes
Bill Kanable Yes
Bob Scott Yes
Joe Blowers Yes
The motion was UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. Agenda Item #4 – Presentations
A. Recognition of Roy Dancer President, Joe Blowers, provided a detailed overview of Roy Dancer’s support for the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District, as well as his extensive volunteerism throughout the Beaverton area. Roy passed away on Monday, January 7, 2008. Jack Franklin and Marv Doty, fellow Park District volunteers, are in attendance this evening on behalf of Roy Dancer’s family.
Jack and Marv thanked the Board of Directors for the recognition of Roy Dancer, noting that he was an outstanding community leader.
Washington County Commissioner, Dick Schouten, described his positive experiences with Roy as well.
John Griffiths commented that Roy’s memorial service will be held January 19, 2008.
B. ORPA 2007 Legislative Advocacy Award – Jim McElhinny Doug Menke, General Manager, introduced Frank Jagodnik, Oregon Recreation & Park Association (ORPA) Executive Director, to present the 2007 Legislative Advocacy Award to Jim McElhinny, Director of Park & Recreational Services.
Frank provided an overview of Jim’s work with ORPA’s Legislative Committee, including his current role as Chair of the Committee, and presented him with the 2007 ORPA Legislative Advocacy Award.
C. ORPA 2007 Design Award – PCC Rock Creek Recreation Facility Frank Jagodnik, Oregon Recreation & Park Association (ORPA) Executive Director, presented the 2007 Design Award in recognition of the Park District’s PCC Rock Creek Recreation Facility. Frank noted that the Design Award is presented to the best-designed public parks, recreation areas, athletic fields, urban malls or recreation buildings in the State of Oregon.
Doug Menke, General Manager, thanked ORPA for the award and recognized Steve Gulgren, Superintendent of Planning & Development, Gery Keck, Senior Park Planner, and the project consultant, WH Pacific, for their efforts on the project.
D. Nature Park Advisory Committee Member Recognition – Vern Williams President, Joe Blowers, provided a detailed overview of Vern William’s work with the Nature Park Advisory Committee and other groups of the Park District, as well as his involvement with the acquisition of the property that became the Nature Park. Joe thanked Vern on behalf of the Board of Directors for his support of the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District.
Vern thanked the Board of Directors for the recognition this evening, noting that the Park District is a valuable asset to the community.
Marv Doty described his work with Vern on the Nature Park Advisory Committee.
E. Affiliated Groups – Tualatin Hills Dive Club, Tualatin Hills Swim Club & Tualatin Hills Barracudas Master Swim Club Sharon Hoffmeister, Superintendent of Aquatics, introduced Joe Lyons, Head Coach of the Tualatin Hills Dive Club; Linck Bergen, Head Coach of the Tualatin Hills Swim Club; and Jeanne Teisher, President of the Tualatin Hills Barracudas Master Swim Club, to provide a presentation to the Board of Directors regarding the Park District’s affiliated groups for swimming and diving.
Joe Lyons provided a detailed PowerPoint presentation regarding the Tualatin Hills Dive Club’s organization, activities and goals for the future, and offered to answer any questions the Board may have. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation was entered into the record.
Larry Pelatt asked if most of the Dive Club’s participants are in-District residents.
Joe replied that he estimates approximately 80% of the participants are in-District.
Bob Scott asked Joe what his diving background is.
Joe provided a detailed overview of his diving and professional background, including his recent move to Oregon from Arizona.
Linck Bergen provided a detailed PowerPoint presentation regarding the Tualatin Hills Swim Club’s organization, activities and goals for the future, and offered to answer any questions the Board may have. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation was entered into the record.
Larry asked what the average cost is for Swim Club participants.
Linck replied that participation cost varies depending on experience level, starting from $25-$30 per month for the introductory program, to $125 per month for the highest level.
Larry asked if most of the Swim Club’s participants are in-District residents.
Linck replied that approximately 80% of the participants are in-District.
Jeanne Teisher, along with Jon Schieltz, Aquatics Advisory Committee member, provided a detailed PowerPoint presentation regarding the Tualatin Hills Barracudas Master Swim Club’s organization, activities and goals for the future, and offered to answer any questions the Board may have. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation was entered into the record.
Larry commented on the Park District’s limited pool space, noting that half of the Barracuda’s participants are out-of-District residents.
Larry referenced Jon’s comment regarding the 50-Meter Pool being too narrow to qualify for some competitions and asked how short it is.
Jon replied less than one inch.
Bob asked what the average age is of a Barracuda’s participant.
Jeanne replied that there are 19 participants between the ages of 19 and 29; 14 between the ages of 30 and 39; 28 between the ages of 40 and 49; 27 between the ages of 50 and 59; 32 between the ages of 60 and 69; 13 between the ages of 70 and 79; and 5 between the ages of 80 and 89.
President, Joe Blowers, thanked the Clubs on behalf of the Board of Directors for the informative presentations.
Agenda Item #5 – Audience Time There was no testimony during audience time.Agenda Item #6 – Consent Agenda
Bill Kanable moved the Board of Directors approve Consent Agenda items (A) Minutes of December 10, 2007 Regular Meeting, (B) Monthly Bills, (C) Monthly Financial Statement, (D) Nature Park Advisory Committee Member, (E) Resolution for Annexation of Properties in Accordance with Washington County Ordinance 624 and ORS 198.857(2), (F) Conservation Easement for Westside Trail Project, and (G) Novice Skate Park Project. Bob Scott seconded the motion. Roll call proceeded as follows:
Larry Pelatt Yes
John Griffiths Yes
Bob Scott Yes
Bill Kanable Yes
Joe Blowers Yes
Agenda Item #7 – Unfinished Business
A. Budget Committee Members Doug Menke, General Manager, noted that the five applicants for the three vacant Budget Committee positions were interviewed by the Board of Directors during the December 10, 2007 Regular Board Meeting. Of the three positions available, two are three-year positions and one is a two-year position. He noted that after the interviews took place, the Board of Directors were asked to forward to him their individual rankings of the applicants for compilation into a combined ranking. The combined ranking has been provided to the Board of Directors via email and a copy of this email has been entered into the record.
President, Joe Blowers, opened the floor for Board of Directors discussion regarding the Budget Committee applicants.
Larry Pelatt expressed that, in his opinion, the combined ranking represents an accurate consensus of the Board of Directors and that he supports appointing the top three applicants.
President, Joe Blowers, expressed agreement with Larry’s comments.
Bob Scott expressed agreement as well, noting that the term lengths match the top three applicants’ preferences as well.
President, Joe Blowers, noted that the top three ranked applicants are Elisabeth Zeller, Ruth Rosimo, and Greg Cody and stated that he would entertain a motion.
Bob Scott moved the Board of Directors appoint Greg Cody, Elisabeth Zeller and Ruth Rosimo to the Budget Committee to the terms that they preferred: Greg a three-year term, Elisabeth a three-year term, and Ruth a two-year term. Larry Pelatt seconded the motion. Roll call proceeded as follows:
Bill Kanable Yes
John Griffiths Yes
Larry Pelatt Yes
Bob Scott Yes
Joe Blowers Yes
B. Public Awareness Program Bob Wayt, Director of Communications & Development, provided a brief overview of the memo included within the Board of Directors information packet and introduced Francine Raften of JD White, the consultant hired to measure community perceptions and awareness of the Park District, and to design a public awareness program.
Francine provided a detailed PowerPoint presentation of the Public Awareness Program developed by JD White and offered to answer any questions the Board of Directors may have. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation was entered into the record.
Bob Scott asked how the Park District will track the effectiveness of the proposed radio and bus ads. He noted that at his work, their customers tell them how they heard about them.
Bob Wayt confirmed that this could be incorporated into the program, noting that the information would be valuable.
Doug Menke, General Manager, noted that follow-up surveys will also be conducted.
Larry Pelatt commented on communication being identified by Park District staff as an area for improvement and asked why the proposed e-newsletter is being delayed for a year.
Doug replied that it is critical that the intranet tool be advanced first, with the e-newsletter being a beneficial match to continue that progress. He described that the phased approach is also respecting the amount of funds being allocated into advanced budgets and understanding that it takes time to get the message out, and that the message is continually being reviewed and modified.
Bob Wayt noted that, independent of JD White, Park District staff does have the opportunity to develop a similar feature now and is anticipating the release of an e-newsletter to Park District employees tomorrow.
Francine noted that the e-newsletter will drive Park District staff to the intranet as well.
Bill Kanable expressed agreement with the proposed plan, noting that links to specific information can be sent to Park District staff electronically.
Larry expressed that his one concern with the Public Awareness Program is that it will work too well. He expressed concern with the Program resulting in even more crowded facilities, without additional property tax revenue to compensate for the increased usage, especially considering that program fees cover less than half of operational costs.
Doug described that part of the discussion had as a Board and staff on the purpose of the Program is ensuring that the public is aware of all of the Park District’s offerings, recognizing that not everyone gets involved. The Program could increase participation, but at a minimum it would be nice to see the benchmark threshold of individuals who do not get directly involved acknowledging and appreciating the value of what the Park District does provide for those who choose to be more actively involved.
President, Joe Blowers, expressed agreement, noting that if such individuals are only active at the ballot box, it would be beneficial for them to have a positive perspective on the Park District.
Bill stated that he does not feel the Park District should be afraid to promote itself in that one of the Park District’s challenges is having a positive perception within the community, but not enough recognition of the value the Park District provides.
Larry replied that although he understands the Board members’ comments, it is a double-edged sword in that the more the Park District promotes the facilities, the more crowded they become.
President, Joe Blowers, noted that over the past year, the Park District has talked about various messages it would like to get out to the public. As he reads the messaging section of the Public Awareness Program, it seems that some of the messages the focus groups have suggested have been distilled down to a single tagline to be used with various images of the Park District.
Francine confirmed this, noting that an agency needs to have a singular tagline that can be reinforced again and again to the community with consistency.
Bill commented that the budget for the Program of $50,000 a year is less than what he expected.
Bob Wayt replied that more could be done with additional funds, but that the Park District will make the most efficient use of the funds available.
President, Joe Blowers, thanked Francine and Bob for the informative presentation, noting that the Public Awareness Program is an incredible step for the Park District and shows real progress.
C. General Manager’s Report Doug Menke, General Manager, provided a detailed overview of the General Manager’s Report included within the Board of Directors information packet, which included the following topics:
Connecting Green
Future Funding Measure Public Outreach Program
Board of Directors Meeting Schedule
Fiscal Year 2008-09 Budget Process
Board of Directors Event Calendar
A copy of this calendar was entered into the record.
Doug offered to answer any questions the Board of Directors may have regarding the General Manager’s Report.
Larry Pelatt asked whether the February Board of Directors meeting should be delayed, considering that the future funding measure polling questions are still being finalized.
Doug replied that The Trust for Public Land is confident that they will be able to provide the polling results at the February 4, 2008 Regular Board Meeting.
Agenda Item #8 – New Business
A. FY 2008-09 Park District Goals & Objectives Development Doug Menke, General Manager, provided a brief overview of the memo included within the Board of Directors information packet, noting that by using the Strategic Plan contained within the Park District’s Comprehensive Plan, as well as items carried forward from the FY 2007-08 Goals & Objectives, staff has identified some priority objectives and actions steps for the FY 2008-09 Park District Goals & Objectives. These priorities are intended to serve as a starting point for the development of the Goals & Objectives by the Board of Directors.
Larry Pelatt referenced the following action step identified for Goal 2: “Update the 2005 Playing Fields Needs Assessment report” and requested an addition to that action step of “soliciting and incorporating input from the Athletic Center Advisory Committee and affected user groups”.
Doug asked if it would be appropriate to designate the Unified Fields Steering Committee for this project.
Larry confirmed this.
Larry referenced the following objective identified for Goal 3: “Use the most cost-effective combination of Park District staff, volunteers, user groups, community groups, other jurisdictions and contractors to provide maintenance services.” He asked that an action step for this objective be developed regarding establishing a policy for in-kind contributions as discussed by the Board of Directors and various sports groups during the Fee Study meetings.
Bill Kanable expressed agreement with Larry’s suggestion, noting that some sports groups would rather collect the funds that would go toward paying their field use fees and spend it on in-kind work. He stated that the Park District will need to be very specific before accepting in-kind projects and that there must be coordination on those projects with the Park District.
Doug noted that the Unified Fields Steering Committee could be utilized for this as well to ensure that the groups understand the guidelines and criteria as they are developed.
Larry stated that he would like to see this effort coordinated more with staff than the Unified Fields Steering Committee, noting that the Committee should not have the authority to approve in-kind projects, but only to submit them to Park District staff for approval.
Bill expressed agreement, noting that acceptable in-kind projects should improve the Park District as a whole and provide a benefit to multiple user groups.
Bill referenced the following action step identified for Goal 1: “Complete a Signage Master Plan for the District to ensure a consistent look, content, and function of signage for all District facilities.” He noted that the Public Awareness Program discussed this evening should be taken into account as well when addressing this action step.
Doug confirmed that the Program will be tied-in where possible.
Steve Gulgren, Superintendent of Planning & Development, noted that the Signage Master Plan had been on-hold until the development of the Public Awareness Program was complete for that reason.
Larry noted that although he agrees with the overall goal of the Signage Master Plan, he is unsure of where it will fall in priorities, but he does agree that it is important to have consistent and more signage.
President, Joe Blowers, referenced the following objective identified for Goal 5: “Close gaps in regional trails by completing missing segments and connect regionally significant trails with local trails to ensure local access and connectivity.” He asked that an action step for this objective be developed regarding investigating on-street markings to ease navigation in between completed trail segments. He referenced a section of the Public Awareness Program that described a downloadable map and asked whether that map could also include directions on getting from one segment to the next, noting that it would help the trails to be used as a system.
Doug confirmed that such an action step would be developed.
Larry asked if Park District staff has talked to the City of Beaverton about on-street markings.
Steve confirmed this, noting that it has been a topic of the Trails Advisory Committee’s meetings and that the Committee is exploring options. It will be an important component of the Signage Master Plan as well.
Keith Hobson, Director of Business Services, commented that it will be important to take safety into consideration when directing trail traffic onto particular roadways.
Larry referenced the following action step identified for Goal 7: “Review Advisory Committee structure to determine if there are gaps in coverage, and ensure proportional representation. Evaluate how general (passive) users, youth, and other less represented Park District user groups might be further represented in the Advisory Committee or other formats.” Larry suggested replacing the word further with better.
Hearing no further comments, Doug Menke, General Manager, noted that the requested changes would be brought back to the Board of Directors for consideration at the February 4, 2008 Regular Board meeting.
B. Land Inventory Report Steve Gulgren, Superintendent of Planning & Development, provided a brief overview of the memo included within the Board of Directors information packet, noting that he is before the Board of Directors this evening to make a presentation regarding Park District properties that are potentially available for future development.
Steve provided a detailed overview of the various Park District properties available for future development via a PowerPoint presentation of the aerial maps included within the Board of Directors information packet and offered to answer any questions the Board may have.
Larry Pelatt commented on the structures located on Barsotti Property and noted that the property itself could accommodate a sports field nicely due to the flat surface.
John Griffiths referenced the land southeast of Morrison Woods Park and asked for the status.
Steve replied that the land is being developed. He has had initial discussions with the developer regarding an SDC credit project, but nothing has materialized. He noted that the property offers mainly natural area with a potential opportunity for light development.
Bill Kanable noted that access to the site would be limited to the surrounding community.
Doug Menke, General Manager, noted that the site could serve nicely as a neighborhood park with some trail improvements and play equipment.
Joe Blowers asked if there is a ravine nearby that would limit access from the east.
Bruce Barbarasch, Superintendent of Natural Resources & Trails Management, provided an overview of the property, noting that there is a stream and slope that runs through it.
Joe noted it would be difficult for someone coming from the east to access the play equipment.
Bruce described some land adjacent to the park, noting that a trail could be constructed offering access from the east if the Park District acquired that land.
Larry asked for clarification regarding the development proposed for the Winkleman property.
Steve replied that the donation agreement for the property has a five-year time limit to allow for limited access to the park, which could include a small, gravel parking lot.
Doug noted that it would be a light conceptual plan for the site and that funding will be requested in the upcoming budget. Further development of the property could be considered as a bond measure project.
Larry asked if the development will trigger any road improvement requirements by Washington County.
Steve replied that he has had an initial conversation with Washington County and does not believe it will trigger any such requirements.
Doug provided a brief update regarding access to the Mt. Williams property.
John noted that he believes the Park District is under-developing Lowami Hart Woods Park.
Larry commented that he believes it is still the neighborhood consensus to keep access to the site limited.
John noted that he believes the Board of Directors should look at the property again to see how it can provide greater benefit for the entire community.
Larry described the strong sentiment from the neighborhood regarding the property, noting that bringing it forward for discussion again could cause some push back from the neighborhood and that the Board just needs to be aware of that.
John noted that the Park District has a string of natural areas with the idea to get people to use and enjoy them so that the public can take care of and treasure the parks. Some of the parks, such as Hyland Forest Park, have never been developed, but people use it all the time.
Larry agreed, noting that he has been in Hyland Forest Park many times.
Board discussion occurred regarding the stream in Lowami Hart Woods Park, nearby mitigation areas, and an area that is prone to flooding.
John noted that he would like to discuss development of Lowami Hart Woods Park again.
Joe commented that the Board basically made a compromise on the development of Lowami Hart Woods Park when discussing the first System Development Charge Capital Improvement Program project list, noting that the Board chose to lower the amount of funds allocated to Lowami Hart Woods Park to just enough to protect the resources.
Bob Scott asked that the properties listed on the Land Inventory Report spreadsheet included within the Board of Directors information packet be categorized by use.
Steve confirmed that this could be accommodated.
Joe asked for confirmation that the trail suggested for Lily K Johnson Park would be for the purpose of connecting one neighborhood to another.
Doug confirmed this, noting that the north end of the property is wet.
Joe asked whether the wet land to the north would be appropriate for trail development.
Doug noted that it would be challenging to develop, but would provide a valuable trail to people on Farmington wishing to get to Division without using the side streets.
President, Joe Blowers, thanked staff for the informative presentation, noting that the Land Inventory Report was educational.
Agenda Item #9 – Board Time Bob Scott asked for additional information regarding the new gift card program as referenced within the Management Report.
Launa Harrison, Information Services Manager, described the program, noting that it has been very successful considering the limited promotion of the program.
John Griffiths asked whether the Park District sells t-shirts and hats.
Jim McElhinny, Director of Park & Recreational Services, noted that some items are sold at aquatic facilities.
John noted that selling such items could be a part of the Park District’s outreach efforts and brand building.
Larry Pelatt asked for confirmation that Winter/Spring registration went well.
Doug Menke, General Manager, confirmed this, stating that the initial weekend of registration was very successful in comparison to the previous year.
Keith Hobson, Director of Business Services, noted that some bandwidth limitations were experienced when online registration first opened, but that Park District staff is working on a solution for this.
Larry asked for confirmation that revenue is up and that people are registering for more activities.
Keith confirmed this.
Larry congratulated staff, noting that the outreach efforts must be working.
Bill Kanable asked for an update regarding the permitting issues with the concession stand at the PCC Rock Creek Recreation Facility.
Steve Gulgren, Superintendent of Planning & Development, described a discrepancy within Washington County where the permit was granted to build the concession stand, but upon inspection by the Washington County Health Department, new drainage requirements were made known.
Gery Keck, Senior Park Planner, noted that work was being done on the concession stand today and that it now just needs to be approved.
John noted that he will not be in attendance at the February 4, 2008 Regular Board Meeting.
John referenced the Board’s previous discussion regarding endorsement of mayoral candidates and asked whether any Board members are endorsing any of the candidates.
Larry replied that he has been asked, but does not plan to officially endorse anyone.
John noted that he does not think he is going to endorse anyone either, noting that it was a different situation a few years ago when the mayor was running unopposed.
Joe Blowers noted that he is not planning to endorse anyone either.
Doug Menke, General Manager, acknowledged Mary Manseau, Chair of CPO #7, who is in attendance this evening, noting that she has been a great supporter of the Park District.
Agenda Item #10 – Adjourn There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Joe Blowers, PresidentLarry Pelatt, Secretary
Recording Secretary,
Jessica Collins
HMT Recreation Complex, Dryland Training Center - 7pm
15707 SW Walker Road
Beaverton, OR 97006
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:05 PM
7:10 PM
7:40 PM
7:45 PM
7:50 PM
8:50 PM
9:40 PM
9:50 PM
Executive Session*
Call Regular Meeting to Order
Action Resulting from Executive Session
Recognition of Roy Dancer
ORPA 2007 Legislative Advocacy Award – Jim McElhinny
ORPA 2007 Design Award – PCC Rock Creek Recreation Facility
Nature Park Advisory Committee Member Recognition – Vern Williams
Affiliated Groups – Tualatin Hills Dive Club, Tualatin Hills Swim Club & Tualatin Hills Barracudas Master Swim Club
Audience Time**
Consent Agenda***
Approve: Minutes of December 10, 2007 Regular Meeting
Approve: Monthly Bills
Approve: Monthly Financial Statement
Appoint: Nature Park Advisory Committee Member
Approve: Resolution for Annexation of Properties in Accordance with Washington County Ordinance 624 and ORS 198.857(2)
Approve: Conservation Easement for Westside Trail Project
Award: Novice Skate Park Project
Unfinished Business
Appoint: Budget Committee Members
Update: Public Awareness Program
Information: General Manager’s Report
New Business
Update: FY 2008-09 Park District Goals & Objectives Development
Status: Land Inventory Report
Board Time
*Executive Session: Executive Sessions are permitted under the authority of ORS 192.660. Copies of the statute are available at the offices of Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District. **Audience Time: If you wish to be heard on an item not on the agenda you may be heard under Audience Time with a 3-minute time limit. If you wish to speak on an agenda item, please wait until it is before the Board. Note: Agenda items may not be considered in the order listed. ***Consent Agenda: Consent Agenda items will be approved without discussion unless there is a request to discuss a particular consent agenda item. The issue separately discussed will be voted on separately. In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), this material, in an alternate format, or special accommodations for the meeting, will be made available by calling 503-645-6433 at least two business days prior to the meeting.