Virtual Community Review Meeting

THPRD continues planning the future off-street trail connecting SW Sexton Mountain Dr to the Westside Trail near Sexton Mountain Elementary School. Please join us for our upcoming Virtual Community Review Meeting to learn about the trail alignment plan, ask questions, and share your input. Community participants will be able to join the event live on Wednesday, August 18 at 6:00pm or view it later on the District’s YouTube channel at
To attend the meeting on Wednesday, August 18 at 6:00pm...
1) Follow this link from a computer or smart device with an internet connection:
2) When prompted, provide this meeting ID: 160 981 0035
To dial in by phone to listen to the meeting, call 1-669-254-5252 and follow the prompts. Click this link for international numbers. Visit Zoom (click to visit the webpage) for additional information on how to join Zoom meetings.
We welcome community members to submit questions and comments ahead of time by emailing them to before Thursday, August 12. Questions and comments will be addressed in summary during the ‘Questions & Comments’ portion of the meeting.
Please visit the project webpage to find project news and sign up for project updates.