Virtual Community Meeting on Permanent Restrooms coming to Schiffler, Hazeldale, and Greenway Parks

THPRD is planning to partner with Washington County to add accessible permanent restrooms to Schiffler Park, Hazeldale Park, and Greenway Park. During the recent community visioning process, community members emphasized the importance of adding permanent accessible restrooms to parks. This project is helping the district fulfill that goal and directly respond to community feedback.
Join THPRD for a Virtual Community Meeting to learn more about this project and review the plans for each park. Community members will be able to join the virtual meeting live on Thursday, August 4 at 6:00 pm or view it later on the District’s Youtube channel at (This meeting was rescheduled from July.)
- Follow this link from a computer or smart device with an internet connection:
- When prompted, provide this Meeting ID: 161 283 0644
To dial in by phone to listen to the meeting, call 1-669-254-5252 and follow the prompts. Click this link for international numbers. Visit Zoom for additional information on how to join Zoom meetings.
We welcome community members to submit questions and comments ahead of time by emailing them to by the end of the day on Sunday, July 31. Questions and comments will be addressed in summary during the ‘Questions & Comments’ portion of the meeting.
To learn more about the project timeline, sign up for project email updates, or to contact us with questions or comments, please visit any one of the park webpages: Schiffler Park, Hazeldale Park, Greenway Park.