THPRD Planning New Neighborhood Park at SW Baker & Lombard | El Distrito de Parques y Recreación de Tualatin Hills (THPRD) planea un nuevo parque del barrio en SW Baker & Lombard

In the spring of 2021, THPRD will begin the planning and design of a future neighborhood park at the northwest corner of SW Baker and SW Lombard Ave. This project will develop 2 acres of park designed to serve the local community. THPRD will engage local community members and organizations to guide the design process, and integrate community input gathered through THPRD’s Vision Action Plan. THPRD expects the planning process to take about 2-3 years. This process includes the obtaining permits with multiple agencies, community engagement, the drafting of design and construction plans, and more. For more information about the upcoming park and the development timeline, please visit the park’s webpage.
Community engagement is a vital part of THPRD’s park design process. We will continue to post updates and ways to get involved on the park’s webpage. Throughout the planning process, park neighbors can also expect to receive notices in the mail for any upcoming community meetings.