THPRD Exploring Options to Connect the Westside Trail Over Highway 26
THPRD is launching a project to explore options for the development of a pedestrian and bicycle bridge crossing over Highway 26 to connect the Westside Trail from SW Greenbrier Parkway to the NW Cornell Road. The Westside Trail is one of the region’s most important corridors with over 100,000 users a year, and connecting neighborhoods and communities across Beaverton and Washington County. Such a bridge would create a link connecting 25 miles of trail for walkers, runners, and bicyclists to reach popular destinations, including schools, parks and recreation complexes, shopping, jobs, housing, parks, natural areas, and transit stations. This bridge crossing would also close a gap in the larger metro regional trails system, established through a partnership with Metro Regional Government, as well as counties and municipalities across the metro region.
Over the course of this two-year project (2020-2021), THPRD will study the practicality of constructing the bridge. Outcomes of the study will include identifying any barriers to bridge development, identifying the bridge size, type and location, establishing a construction budget, and engaging with community members throughout the process. Because community involvement is a vital part of the planning and design process, THPRD will continuously engage community members to ensure that the bridge design reflects public needs. To complete the study, THPRD will also collaborate with Oregon Department of Transportation, Metro, City of Beaverton, Washington County, Clean Water Services, Army Corps of Engineers, Department of State Lands, Portland General Electric, Bonneville Power Administration, and several local businesses.
For more information and updates, please visit the project's webpage.
This project is funded by THPRD’s system development charge fund and by Metro’s Regional Flexible Fund.