Property & Agency Stakeholders Virtual Meeting for Westside Trail Bridge study

The THPRD Planning team is offering a virtual presentation and discussion about the upcoming Westside Trail Bridge over Highway 26 study. While this Property & Agency Stakeholders Virtual Meeting will be a discussion among local property owners and agency stakeholders, we are also inviting the public to share their input and ask questions.
This virtual meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 30 at 2 to 3:30pm. Community participants will be able to watch the event live, or view it later on the District’s Youtube channel at We welcome community members to submit questions and comments ahead of time by emailing them to by the end of the day on Sunday, September 20. Questions and comments will be addressed in summary during the ‘Questions & Comments’ portion of the agenda.
Coming in October, we will also be offering a community-wide survey to collect public input, as well as hosting a Virtual Community Meeting specifically for community input and questions. For updates on these upcoming engagement opportunities, please visit the project webpage and sign up for project updates.
This project is funded by THPRD’s system development charge fund and by Metro’s Regional Flexible Fund.