New Concept Plan and Name for SW Baker & Lombard | Nuevo plan del concepto y nombre para SW Baker & Lombard

THPRD continues community engagement for the New Park at SW Baker & Lombard. So far, we’ve received input from hundreds of community members. Based on this input, we finalized a new park concept plan and are excited to introduce the park's new name La Raíz Park (rrah-ees), chosen through an intentional process to honor numerous members of our Spanish speaking communities. This is one of many new THPRD parks named through a process that aims to advance equity by reflecting our diverse community identities and experiences in park names.
To learn more or share your input, join us for our next virtual community meeting or take a short survey in English or Spanish by October 13.
Community members will be able to attend the virtual community meeting live on Zoom or view it later on the District’s YouTube channel at We plan to offer Spanish interpretive services at this meeting.
To attend the meeting live on Wednesday, October 6 at 6:00pm...
- Follow this link from a computer or smart device with an internet connection:
- When prompted, provide this Meeting ID: 160 381 1014
To dial in by phone to listen to the meeting, call 1-669-254-5252 and follow the prompts.
Click this link for international numbers. Visit Zoom for additional information on how to join Zoom meetings.
We welcome community members to submit questions and comments ahead of time by emailing them to before Wednesday, September 29. Questions and comments will be addressed in summary during the ‘Questions & Comments’ portion of the meeting.
Please visit the project web page to learn more and sign up for project updates.