Introducing New Park & Trail Names

THPRD aspires to name parks and trails after the people, cultures, and natural features of our region. Names should welcome all people and inspire us. These new names were chosen through an inclusive engagement effort to honor the diverse experiences and identities of our community.
Please share your input by taking a short survey on each of these new names. Follow each project link below to find the survey offered in English and Spanish for each new or upcoming park and trail. The surveys have been extended to close on DECEMBER 13. Simply follow the links provided below to get started.
- Pío Pío Park at SW 187th Ave & Bonnie Meadow Ln
- Unity Park near SW 178th Ave & Alexander St
- Recuerdo Park at SW 174th & Biles Ln
- Reflections Plaza at NW Cornell Rd & Joy Ave
- Yoshihara Trail, Sato Trail, and Bethany Creek Greenway in the Bethany Area
To learn more about these and other park projects, please visit: