Page 107 - thprd_2025_Summer_AG_web1
P. 107
Tualatin Hills Athletic Center 503-629-6330
Outdoor Recreation Inclusion Services
Inclusion Services is committed towards providing a
Skate Park continuum of staff support to children, teens, and adults
The Tualatin Hills skate park is located on the north end of the HMT with disabilities in order to make all THPRD programming
Recreation Complex. There is also a skate park located at the Evelyn more accessible. We believe in meeting the diverse needs
of the community we serve, which promotes the dignity,
M. Schiffler Memorial Park. Helmets and protective gear are highly success, and enjoyment of all participants. Individualized
recommended. Park hours are dawn to dusk, weather permitting. support is available for patrons experiencing disability
Novice Skate Park in the registered class(es) of their choice. Available at all
The novice skate park is located next to the big skate park at the north THPRD sites throughout the district. At this time, Inclusion
end of the HMT Recreation Complex. Helmets and protective gear are Services does not provide Inclusion Assistants for any
highly recommended. Hours are dawn to dusk, weather permitting. swim programs. For more information about Inclusion
Services, email or call 503-629-6341.
Roller Hockey Rink
Visit our outdoor roller hockey arena, located on the north end of the
HMT Recreation Complex. Arena hours are dawn to dusk, weather
Basketball Courts
In addition to the Athletic Center, basketball courts are available in many
of our parks, weather permitting.
Visit Arts & Crafts – Preschool/Youth
Volleyball Dates (Weeks) Day Time Ages Class #
You can enjoy three outdoor locations for grass or sand volleyball; Location ID/AP OD
Carolwood Park, Raleigh Park, and Cedar Hills Park Messy Little Fingers
Bocce Ball Let your child get messy with us as they express themselves through
There are bocce courts located at Cedar Hills Park and Ridgewood View art and learn about their creativity. In this class, your child will develop
sensory-motor skills and hand-eye coordination and learn shapes, colors,
Park for drop-in play. Call the Athletic Center with any questions. and social skills to help your child grow and thrive. Your child gets the
Pickleball messy fun while we get the cleanup. Adult participation is required. No
class 6/19 or 7/4.
Pickleball can be played at Raleigh Park. Pickleball can also be played
at the following locations but you must bring your own nets; Athletic 6/16-7/2 (3) M/W 10:15-11 am 2 ½ -3 yrs AC14101
ID/AP: $51
OD: $63.75
Rm 101
Center, Cedar Hills Park, Mountain View Champions Park, Ridgewood 7/7-7/30 (4) M/W 10:15-11 am 2 ½ -3 yrs AC14102
View Park, Rock Creek Landing Park, and Raleigh Park. Rm 101 ID/AP: $68 OD: $85
8/4-8/20 (3) M/W 10:15-11 am 2 ½ -3 yrs AC14103
Disc Golf Rm 101 ID/AP: $51 OD: $63.75
Greenway Park has a nine-hole disc golf course. Visit for 6/17-7/3 (3) T/Th 11:30 am-12:15 pm 2 ½ -3 yrs AC14104
Rm 101
more information. 7/8-7/31 (4) T/Th ID/AP: $42 OD: $52.50 AC14105
11:30 am-12:15 pm 2 ½ -3 yrs
Futsal Rm 101 ID/AP: $68 OD: $85
Cedar Hills Park and Mountain View Champions Park have futsal nets set 8/5-8/21 (3) T/Th 11:30 am-12:15 pm 2 ½ -3 yrs AC14106
Rm 101
ID/AP: $51
OD: $63.75
up during the week. Call the Athletic Center with any questions.
Arts & Crafts
Let's be creative together. Join this class for fun and creative projects.
Your child will draw, paint, and craft projects to develop their artistic talent
and expression. Adult participation is required. No class 6/19.
6/16-7/2 (3) M/W 11:30 am-12:15 pm 3-5 yrs AC14107
Rm 101 ID/AP: $51 OD: $63.75
7/7-7/30 (4) M/W 11:30 am-12:15 pm 3-5 yrs AC14108
Rm 101 ID/AP: $68 OD: $85
8/4-8/20 (3) M/W 11:30 am-12:15 pm 3-5 yrs AC14109
Rm 101 ID/AP: $51 OD: $63.75
6/17-7/3 (3) T/Th 10:15-11 am 3-5 yrs AC14110
Rm 101 ID/AP: $42 OD: $52.50
7/8-7/31 (4) T/Th 10:15-11 am 3-5 yrs AC14111
Rm 101 ID/AP: $68 OD: $85
8/5-8/21 (3) T/Th 10:15-11 am 3-5 yrs AC14112
Rm 101 ID/AP: $51 OD: $63.75
Fees: ID/AP = User is in-district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out-of-district (no assessment paid)
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District Summer 2025 Activities Guide 105