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THPRD Sports Leagues - General Information
Sports Leagues - Youth
Organizational information will be available at the Athletic Center and on our website at
Financial Aid funds can be used to South Beaverton Girls Little League Sunset Junior Baseball
pay registration league fees for non-
competitive leagues. A girls (ages 4-14) program that is comprised Barnes, Cedar Mill, Findley, Ridgewood, Terra
of players within the combined boundaries Linda, William Walker, West TV, Catlin Gabel,
of Beaverton, Aloha and Raleigh Hills Little Cedar Park, Meadow Park, Stoller, Sunset High
Youth Sports League ID Leagues. It is chartered as an independent,
System softball-only program. Westview Youth Baseball
Aloha Huber Park, Chehalem, Cooper Mountain,
All youth sports league participants are Greenway, Errol Hassell, Hazeldale, Kinnaman, Beaver Acres, Bethany, Elmonica, Five Oaks,
required to have a valid THPRD ID McKay, Montclair, Raleigh Hills, Raleigh Park, Jacob Wismer, Lenox, McKinley, Oak Hills, Rock
number, if applicable, prior to participation Vose Creek, Meadow Park, Springville, Stoller, St.
in a youth sports league. Please see or Mary’s for Boys, Westview High
website for THPRD ID card information. Fall Ball
Baseball/Softball Willow Creek Little League Contact the association for fall ball availability:
Registration for youth baseball and softball This is a little league girls softball program
leagues is done through the associations listed comprised of players within the combined
below. Associations are divided by Beaverton boundaries of Cedar Mill, Westview, and Wolf Basketball
School District elementary school attendance Creek Little Leagues based under Oregon
areas. If you attend a private school, you will District 4. It is chartered as an independent,
play within your public school attendance area. softball-only program. (Co-ed t-ball will continue 5th-8th Grade Winter Basketball
Contact your appropriate association for more under the baseball leagues.) This program is Programs
information. open to girls ages 4-14 yrs. THPRD’s 5th through 8th grade basketball
All of the Beaverton Area Little League groups programs are for athletes residing in THPRD
are governed by Oregon District 4 Little boundaries or attending school in the Beaverton
League. For more information, please visit the Spring/Summer Season School District. Practices are held during the
league’s website, T-ball: 6-8 yrs, Soft-T-ball: 6-8 yrs week with games primarily on Saturdays at the
Spring Leagues: Registration begins in January. Baseball: 9-18 yrs, Softball: 9-18 yrs BSD schools and/or THPRD Athletic Center.
Play runs March-June. The season runs December-March. For your
Aloha Junior Baseball convenience, registration for youth basketball is
Summer Leagues: Registration is in January now offered online at beginning
and February. Play runs May-July. Aloha High, Aloha Huber, Chehalem, Cooper early October. A current THPRD account number
Mt., Errol Hassell, Hazeldale, Kinnaman,
Fall Leagues: Registration begins in August. Mountain View, Nancy Ryles, Sexton Mt., Valley is required to register. For any other questions or
The program is for 6-12 year olds. Play runs Catholic help with registering your child, call the Athletic
September-October. AJBO: Center at 503-629-6330.
5th-8th Grade Recreational Spring
Little League Baseball Beaverton Junior Baseball Basketball
T-ball: ages 4-6 Barnes, Beaver Acres, Chehalem, Elmonica, The Youth Spring Basketball Recreational League
is open to athletes currently in grades 5-8 and
Softball: ages 4-14 McKay, McKinley, Montclair, Raleigh Hills K-8, attending a Beaverton School District #48 middle
Raleigh Park, Ridgewood, Vose, West TV, Wm
Baseball: ages 4-14 Walker, Cedar Park, Meadow Park, Whitford, school or residing within District #48 or THPRD
Cedar Mill Little League Beaverton HS boundaries. Registration will begin February.
Check our website for more information.
Barnes, Bonny Slope, Cedar Mill, Findley,
Ridgewood, Terra Linda, Tumwater, West TV, Beaverton Blaze Softball 6th-8th Grade Recreational Summer
Wm Walker, St. Pius, Holy Trinity Fir Grove, Greenway, Hiteon, McKay, Montclair, Basketball Raleigh Hills, Raleigh Park, Conestoga, Highland The Summer Basketball Recreational League is
Murrayhill Little League Park, Whitford, Beaverton High, Jesuit High, open to athletes who will be entering grades
Oregon Episcopal, Southridge High
6-8 in the 2025-26 school year and attending a
Aloha-Huber, Beaver Acres, Chehalem, Cooper Beaverton School District #48 middle school or
Mt., Errol Hassell, Fir Grove, Hazeldale, Hiteon, residing within District #48 or THPRD boundaries.
Kinnaman, Nancy Ryles, Scholls Heights, Sexton Mountainside Junior Baseball Games will be held on weekdays at the Athletic
Mountain Aloha Huber, Chehalem, Cooper Mt, Errol Center. Check our website for more information Hassell, Fir Grove, Hazeldale, Kinnaman, Nancy in May.
Ryles, Scholls Heights, Sexton Mt., Conestoga,
Raleigh Hills Little League Mountain View, Mountainside High
Greenway, McKay, Montclair, Raleigh Hills,
Raleigh Park, Vose, Whitford, Conestoga
Phone: 971-217-7455
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District Summer 2025 Activities Guide 109