Page 109 - thprd_2025_Summer_AG_web1
P. 109
Tualatin Hills Athletic Center 503-629-6330
Sports & Fitness – Youth/Teen 7/8-7/31 (4) T/Th 6-6:45 pm 6-8 yrs AC12225
ID/AP: $74
Ct 1 -Indoor
OD: $92.50
Hoop It Up! 8/5-8/21 (3) T/Th 6-6:45 pm 6-8 yrs AC12226
The perfect class for young basketball players looking to improve their Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $57 OD: $71.25
skills and have fun! Participants will focus on intensive training on 6/20-7/18 (4) F 9-9:45 am 6-8 yrs AC12227
shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding, and defense that is essential for Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $38 OD: $47.50
improvement. No class 6/19 or 7/4. 7/25-8/22 (4) F 9-9:45 am 6-8 yrs AC12228
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $38 OD: $47.50
6/16-7/2 (3) M/W 9-9:45 am 6-9 yrs AC12201 6/16-7/2 (3) M/W 6-7 pm 9-11 yrs AC12230
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $57 OD: $71.25 Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $74 OD: $92.50
7/7-7/30 (4) M/W 9-9:45 am 6-9 yrs AC12202 7/7-7/30 (4) M/W 6-7 pm 9-11 yrs AC12231
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $74 OD: $92.50 Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $98 OD: $122.50
8/4-8/20 (3) M/W 9-9:45 am 6-9 yrs AC12203 8/4-8/20 (3) M/W 6-7 pm 9-11 yrs AC12232
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $57 OD: $71.25 Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $74 OD: $92.50
6/16-7/2 (3) M/W 2:30-3:15 pm 6-9 yrs AC12204 6/17-7/3 (3) T/Th 12:15-1 pm 9-11 yrs AC12233
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $57 OD: $71.25 Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $48 OD: $60
7/7-7/30 (4) M/W 2:30-3:15 pm 6-9 yrs AC12205 7/8-7/31 (4) T/Th 12:15-1 pm 9-11 yrs AC12234
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $74 OD: $92.50 Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $74 OD: $92.50
8/4-8/20 (3) M/W 2:30-3:15 pm 6-9 yrs AC12206 8/5-8/21 (3) T/Th 12:15-1 pm 9-11 yrs AC12235
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $57 OD: $71.25 Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $48 OD: $60
6/17-7/3 (3) T/Th 2:30-3:15 pm 6-9 yrs AC12207
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $48 OD: $60
7/8-7/31 (4) T/Th 2:30-3:15 pm 6-9 yrs AC12208 Soccer Stars - Girls Only
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $74 OD: $92.50 This introduction to fundamentals and proper soccer techniques
8/5-8/21 (3) T/Th 2:30-3:15 pm 6-9 yrs AC12209 emphasizes teamwork, fair play, fun, and cooperation and builds up
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $57 OD: $71.25 confidence. Shin guards and gym shoes are recommended. No class 6/19
6/20-7/18 (4) F 10:15-11 am 6-9 yrs AC12210 or 7/4.
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $38 OD: $47.50 6/17-7/3 (3) T/Th 4:45-5:30 pm 6-9 yrs AC12236
7/25-8/22 (4) F 10:15-11 am 6-9 yrs AC12211 Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $48 OD: $60
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $38 OD: $47.50 7/8-7/31 (4) T/Th 4:45-5:30 pm 6-9 yrs AC12237
Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $74 OD: $92.50
Hoop It Up! Girls Only 8/5-8/21 (3) T/Th 4:45-5:30 pm 6-9 yrs AC12238
The perfect class for young basketball players looking to improve their Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $57 OD: $71.25
skills and have fun! Participants will focus on intensive training on 6/20-7/18 (4) F 11-11:45 am 6-9 yrs AC12239
shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding, and defense that is essential for Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $38 OD: $47.50
improvement. No class 6/19. 7/25-8/22 (4) F 11-11:45 am 6-9 yrs AC12240
6/17-7/3 (3) T/Th 9-9:45 am 6-9 yrs AC12212 Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $38 OD: $47.50
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $48 OD: $60
7/8-7/31 (4) T/Th 9-9:45 am 6-9 yrs AC12213 Basketball Skills
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $74 OD: $92.50 The perfect class for young basketball players looking to improve their
8/5-8/21 (3) T/Th 9-9:45 am 6-9 yrs AC12214 skills and have fun! Participants will focus on intensive training on
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $48 OD: $60 shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding, and defense that is essential for
improvement. No class 6/19 or 7/4.
Soccer Stars 6/16-7/2 (3) M/W 2:30-3:15 pm 9-12 yrs AC12241
This introduction to fundamentals and proper soccer techniques Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $57 OD: $71.25
emphasizes teamwork, fair play, fun, and cooperation and builds up 7/7-7/30 (4) M/W 2:30-3:15 pm 9-12 yrs AC12242
confidence. Shin guards and gym shoes are recommended. No class 6/19 Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $74 OD: $92.50
or 7/4. 8/4-8/20 (3) M/W 2:30-3:15 pm 9-12 yrs AC12243
6/16-7/2 (3) M/W 10-10:45 am 6-8 yrs AC12215 Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $57 OD: $71.25
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $57 OD: $71.25 6/16-7/2 (3) M/W 6-6:45 pm 9-12 yrs AC12244
Ct 2 -Indoor
OD: $71.25
ID/AP: $57
7/7-7/30 (4) M/W 10-10:45 am 6-8 yrs AC12216
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $74 OD: $92.50 7/7-7/30 (4) M/W 6-6:45 pm 9-12 yrs AC12245
ID/AP: $74
OD: $92.50
Ct 2 -Indoor
8/4-8/20 (3) M/W 10-10:45 am 6-8 yrs AC12217
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $57 OD: $71.25 8/4-8/20 (3) M/W 6-6:45 pm 9-12 yrs AC12246
OD: $71.25
ID/AP: $57
Ct 2 -Indoor
6/16-7/2 (3) M/W 4:45-5:30 pm 6-8 yrs AC12218
Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $57 OD: $71.25 6/17-7/3 (3) T/Th 6-6:45 pm 9-12 yrs AC12247
Ct 2 -Indoor
ID/AP: $48
OD: $60
7/7-7/30 (4) M/W 4:45-5:30 pm 6-8 yrs AC12219
Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $74 OD: $92.50 7/8-7/31 (4) T/Th 6-6:45 pm 9-12 yrs AC12248
Ct 2 -Indoor
OD: $92.50
ID/AP: $74
8/4-8/20 (3) M/W 4:45-5:30 pm 6-8 yrs AC12220
Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $57 OD: $71.25 8/5-8/21 (3) T/Th 6-6:45 pm 9-12 yrs AC12249
OD: $71.25
ID/AP: $57
Ct 2 -Indoor
6/17-7/3 (3) T/Th 11:15 am-12 pm 6-8 yrs AC12221
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $48 OD: $60 6/20-7/18 (4) F 11:15 am-12:15 pm 9-12 yrs AC12250
Ct 2 -Indoor
ID/AP: $49
OD: $61.25
7/8-7/31 (4) T/Th 11:15 am-12 pm 6-8 yrs AC12222
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $74 OD: $92.50 7/25-8/22 (4) F 11:15 am-12:15 pm 9-12 yrs AC12251
OD: $61.25
ID/AP: $49
Ct 2 -Indoor
8/5-8/21 (3) T/Th 11:15 am-12 pm 6-8 yrs AC12223
Ct 2 -Indoor ID/AP: $48 OD: $60 6/20-7/18 (4) F 4-5 pm 9-12 yrs AC12252
ID/AP: $49
Ct 2 -Indoor
OD: $61.25
6/17-7/3 (3) T/Th 6-6:45 pm 6-8 yrs AC12224
Ct 1 -Indoor ID/AP: $48 OD: $60
Fees: ID/AP = User is in-district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out-of-district (no assessment paid)
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District Summer 2025 Activities Guide 107