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Tualatin Hills Athletic Center                                               503-629-6330

        7/25-8/22 (5)   F   4-5 pm     9-12 yrs   AC12253
         Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $61    OD: $76.25           Youth Volleyball
        6/16-7/2 (3)   M/W   3:30-4:30 pm   12-14 yrs   AC12254  Volleyball is a sport loved by many. Learn and practice volleyball skills
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $74    OD: $92.50           such as serving, passing, and hitting. Participants will learn fundamental
        7/7-7/30 (4)   M/W   3:30-4:30 pm   12-14 yrs   AC12255  skills for a lifetime of playing volleyball. No class 6/19 or 7/4.
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $98    OD: $122.50
        8/4-8/20 (3)   M/W   3:30-4:30 pm   12-14 yrs   AC12256  6/17-7/3 (3)   T/Th   4:45-5:45 pm   8-12 yrs   AC12270
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $74    OD: $92.50            Ct 6 -Indoor    ID/AP: $59    OD: $73.75
        6/20-7/18 (4)   F   4-5 pm     12-14 yrs   AC12257  7/8-7/31 (4)   T/Th   4:45-5:45 pm   8-12 yrs   AC12271
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $49    OD: $61.25            Ct 6 -Indoor    ID/AP: $94    OD: $117.50
        7/25-8/22 (5)   F   4-5 pm     12-14 yrs   AC12258  8/5-8/21 (3)   T/Th   4:45-5:45 pm   8-12 yrs   AC12272
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $61    OD: $76.25            Ct 6 -Indoor    ID/AP: $74    OD: $92.50
                                                            6/20-7/18 (4)   F   5-6 pm     8-12 yrs   AC12273
         Basketball Skills - Girls Only                      Ct 6 -Indoor    ID/AP: $49    OD: $61.50
         The perfect class for young basketball players looking to improve their   7/25-8/22 (5)   F   5-6 pm   8-12 yrs   AC12274
                                                                             ID/AP: $59
                                                             Ct 6 -Indoor
                                                                                           OD: $73.75
         skills and have fun! Participants will focus on intensive training on
         shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding, and defense that is essential for
         improvement. No class 6/19.                        Teen Volleyball
                                                            Work on the volleyball skills you will need during the season - serving,
        6/17-7/3 (3)   T/Th   10-11 am   9-12 yrs   AC12260  passing, spiking, and offensive and defensive strategizing. No class 6/19
         Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $61    OD: $76.25           or 7/4.
        7/8-7/31 (4)   T/Th   10-11 am   9-12 yrs   AC12261
         Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $98    OD: $122.50          6/17-7/3 (3)   T/Th   6-7 pm   12-17 yrs   AC12305
        8/5-8/21 (3)   T/Th   10-11 am   9-12 yrs   AC12262  Ct 6 -Indoor    ID/AP: $59    OD: $73.75
         Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $61    OD: $76.25           7/8-7/31 (4)   T/Th   6-7 pm   12-17 yrs   AC12306
                                                             Ct 6 -Indoor    ID/AP: $94    OD: $117.50
         Speed, Agility, and Strength                       8/5-8/21 (3)   T/Th   6-7 pm   12-17 yrs   AC12307
                                                             Ct 6 -Indoor
         The class works to improve your athlete's overall strength, balance,   6/20-7/18 (4)   F   ID/AP: $74   OD: $92.50  AC12308
                                                                                           12-17 yrs
                                                                             6:30-7:30 pm
         stability, coordination, quickness, and speed. Training is a series of drills   Ct 6 -Indoor   ID/AP: $49   OD: $61.50
         and specific exercises that develop the body's core muscle groups and the
         neuromuscular pathways that control athletic movement.  7/25-8/22 (5)   F   6:30-7:30 pm   12-17 yrs   AC12309
                                                             Ct 6 -Indoor    ID/AP: $59    OD: $73.75
        6/16-7/2 (3)   M/W   4:45-5:30 pm   8-17 yrs   AC12267
         Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $57    OD: $71.25           Advanced Volleyball Skills
        7/7-7/30 (4)   M/W   4:45-5:30 pm   8-17 yrs   AC12268
         Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $74    OD: $92.50           Volleyball players that already have the fundamentals of passing, setting,
        8/4-8/20 (3)   M/W   4:45-5:30 pm   8-17 yrs   AC12269  and hitting will have the opportunity to learn different systems (5-1, 6-2,
                                                            4-2), positions, and strategies, as well as refine their other skills. No class
         Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $57    OD: $71.25           7/4.
         Youth Sports and Games                             6/20-7/18 (4)   F   7:45-8:45 pm   11-17 yrs   AC12310
         Keep active with this class that will rotate through different sports and   Ct 6 -Indoor   ID/AP: $49   OD: $61.50
         games like basketball, soccer, dodgeball, kickball, and other favorites from   7/25-8/22 (5)   F   7:45-8:45 pm   11-17 yrs   AC12311
         PE class! No class 6/19.                            Ct 6 -Indoor    ID/AP: $59    OD: $73.75
        6/17-7/3 (3)   T/Th   3:30-4:15 pm   6-9 yrs   AC12275
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $48    OD: $60
        7/8-7/31 (4)   T/Th   3:30-4:15 pm   6-9 yrs   AC12276
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $74    OD: $92.50
        8/5-8/21 (3)   T/Th   3:30-4:15 pm   6-9 yrs   AC12277
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $57    OD: $71.25
         Basketball Skills and Scrimmages
         The perfect class for young basketball players looking to improve their skills
         and have fun! Participants will focus on the continued development of skills
         and strategies and will feature many scrimmages. No class 7/4.
        6/20-7/18 (4)   F   5:30-6:30 pm   10-12 yrs   AC12301
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $49    OD: $61.25
        7/25-8/22 (5)   F   5:30-6:30 pm   10-12 yrs   AC12302
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $61    OD: $76.25
         Basketball Skills and Scrimmages - Girls Only
         The perfect class for young basketball players looking to improve their skills
         and have fun! Participants will focus on the continued development of skills
         and strategies and will feature many scrimmages. No class 7/4.
        6/20-7/18 (4)   F   5:30-6:30 pm   10-12 yrs   AC12303
         Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $49    OD: $61.25
        7/25-8/22 (5)   F   5:30-6:30 pm   10-12 yrs   AC12304
         Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $61    OD: $76.25
        Fees: ID/AP = User is in-district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out-of-district (no assessment paid)
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