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Tualatin Hills Athletic Center                                               503-629-6330

       General Interest - Preschool                        8/5-8/21 (3)   T/Th   11:15 am-12 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12117
                                                                             ID/AP: $48
                                                             Ct 1 -Indoor
                                                                                           OD: $60
        Munchkin Sportz Center                             6/17-7/3 (3)   T/Th   4:45-5:30 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12118
        Enjoy an exciting and fun way to introduce your child to various sports.   Ct 2 -Indoor   ID/AP: $48   OD: $60
        Your child will learn cooperation and teamwork and build their self-esteem.   7/8-7/31 (4)   T/Th   4:45-5:30 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12119
        Adult participation is required. No class 7/4.       Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $74    OD: $92.50
                                                           8/5-8/21 (3)   T/Th   4:45-5:30 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12120
       6/16-7/2 (4)   M/W   10-10:30 am   2 ½ -3 yrs   AC12101  Ct 2 -Indoor   ID/AP: $57   OD: $71.25
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $39   OD: $48.75
       7/7-7/30 (4)   M/W   10-10:30 am   2 ½ -3 yrs   AC12102
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $52   OD: $65
       8/4-8/20 (3)   M/W   10-10:30 am   2 ½ -3 yrs   AC12103  Pee Wee Hoops
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $39   OD: $48.75            Start your child off learning the basics of basketball and building their
       6/20-7/18 (4)   F   10-10:30 am   2 ½ -3 yrs   AC12104  confidence in a fun environment. Learn to catch, pass, dribble and shoot a
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $26   OD: $32.50            basketball. Emphasizes positive attitude, fair play, and fun. No class 6/19.
       7/25-8/22 (4)   F   10-10:30 am   2 ½ -3 yrs   AC12105  6/16-7/2 (3)   M/W   12:15-1 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12121
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $26   OD: $32.50             Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $57    OD: $71.25
                                                           7/7-7/30 (4)   M/W   12:15-1 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12122
        Tiny Jumpers                                         Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $74    OD: $92.50
        With trampolines, music, and games, your tiny tot can work on large   8/4-8/20 (3)   M/W   12:15-1 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12123
        motor skills through jumping, balancing, and tumbling. See your child's   Ct 2 -Indoor   ID/AP: $57   OD: $71.25
        self-esteem and confidence grow by building strength, balance, and   6/17-7/3 (3)   T/Th   10-10:45 am   3-5 yrs   AC12124
        coordination. Adult participation is required.       Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $48    OD: $60
                                                           7/8-7/31 (4)   T/Th   10-10:45 am   3-5 yrs   AC12125
       6/16-7/2 (3)   M/W   11-11:30 am   2-3 yrs   AC12106  Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $74    OD: $92.50
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $39   OD: $48.75
       7/7-7/30 (4)   M/W   11-11:30 am   2-3 yrs   AC12107  8/5-8/21 (3)   T/Th   10-10:45 am   3-5 yrs   AC12126
                                                                                           OD: $60
                                                             Ct 1 -Indoor
                                                                             ID/AP: $48
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $52   OD: $65
       8/4-8/20 (3)   M/W   11-11:30 am   2-3 yrs   AC12108  6/17-7/3 (3)   T/Th   3:30-4:15 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12127
                                                                                           OD: $60
                                                             Ct 2 -Indoor
                                                                             ID/AP: $48
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $39   OD: $48.75
                                                           7/8-7/31 (4)   T/Th   3:30-4:15 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12128
                                                             Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $74    OD: $92.50
        Beginner Tumbling                                  8/5-8/21 (3)   T/Th   3:30-4:15 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12129
        While working with your child in their first tumbling class, you will be   Ct 2 -Indoor   ID/AP: $57   OD: $71.25
        confident that they will be prepared to listen and follow instructions when
        they enter preschool. Together we will work on balancing, jumping, and   Pee Wee Sportz Center
        tumbling skills while building the confidence needed to play and get along
        in a classroom. We will use music and simple games as we go through a   Join this fun class that teaches basic techniques for a variety of sports.
        fun course designed to build on all skills. Adult participation is required.  Athletes will build confidence and self-esteem while learning to follow
                                                            directions using activities and games. Soccer, T-ball, and basketball
       6/16-7/2 (3)   M/W   11:45 am-12:15 pm  2-3 yrs   AC13101  included. No class 6/19 or 7/4.
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $39   OD: $48.75
       7/7-7/30 (4)   M/W   11:45 am-12:15 pm  2-3 yrs   AC13102  6/16-7/2 (3)   M/W   3:30-4:15 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12130
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $52   OD: $65                Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $57    OD: $71.25
       8/4-8/20 (3)   M/W   11:45 am-12:15 pm  2-3 yrs   AC13103  7/7-7/30 (5)   M/W   3:30-4:15 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12131
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $39   OD: $48.75             Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $74    OD: $92.50
                                                           8/4-8/20 (3)   M/W   3:30-4:15 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12132
                                                                             ID/AP: $57
                                                             Ct 2 -Indoor
       Sports & Fitness - Preschool                        6/17-7/3 (3)   T/Th   9-9:45 am   OD: $71.25  AC12133
                                                                                           3-5 yrs
        Pee Wee Soccer                                       Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $48    OD: $60
        Dribbling, shooting, and passing are included in the indoor class. Your   7/8-7/31 (4)   T/Th   9-9:45 am   3-5 yrs   AC12134
                                                                             ID/AP: $74
                                                                                           OD: $92.50
                                                             Ct 1 -Indoor
        athlete will have fun, learn teamwork and cooperation, and build   8/5-8/21 (3)   T/Th   9-9:45 am   3-5 yrs   AC12135
        confidence. No class 6/19.
                                                             Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $48    OD: $60
       6/16-7/2 (3)   M/W   9-9:45 am   3-5 yrs   AC12109  6/17-7/3 (3)   T/Th   2:30-3:15 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12136
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $57   OD: $71.25             Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $48    OD: $60
       7/7-7/30 (4)   M/W   9-9:45 am   3-5 yrs   AC12110  7/8-7/31 (4)   T/Th   2:30-3:15 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12137
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $74   OD: $92.50             Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $74    OD: $92.50
       8/4-8/20 (3)   M/W   9-9:45 am   3-5 yrs   AC12111  8/5-8/21 (3)   T/Th   2:30-3:15 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12138
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $57   OD: $71.25             Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $57    OD: $71.25
       6/16-7/2 (3)   M/W   11:15 am-12 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12112  6/20-7/18 (4)   F   9-9:45 am   3-5 yrs   AC12139
         Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $57   OD: $71.25             Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $38    OD: $47.50
       7/7-7/30 (4)   M/W   11:15 am-12 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12113  7/25-8/22 (4)   F   9-9:45 am   3-5 yrs   AC12140
         Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $74   OD: $92.50             Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $38    OD: $47.50
       8/4-8/20 (3)   M/W   11:15 am-12 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12114
         Ct 2 -Indoor    ID/AP: $57   OD: $71.25
       6/17-7/3 (3)   T/Th   11:15 am-12 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12115
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $48   OD: $60
       7/8-7/31 (4)   T/Th   11:15 am-12 pm   3-5 yrs   AC12116
         Ct 1 -Indoor    ID/AP: $74   OD: $92.50
        Fees: ID/AP = User is in-district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out-of-district (no assessment paid)
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