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Tualatin Hills

           Aquatic Center

         HMT Recreation Complex                               Water Fitness Programs
         15707 SW Walker Road                                 Dig Deep: Participants wear flotation belts for a zero
         Beaverton, 97006                                     impact, moderate intensity workout in the deep end
         503-629-6310                                         of the pool. It is not necessary to be an avid swimmer
                                                              to participate; but it is helpful for participants to be
         TriMet Bus Routes #59, #67                           comfortable in deep water. This is an exciting, unique
                                                              way to exercise, suitable for most people.
         Facility Supervisor: Patrick Williamson              Cardio Core: This is a fun, moderate intensity fitness
         Hours:                                               class suitable for most people. The class is held in
         Monday - Friday:     5 am-9 pm                       the shallow end of the pool. Participants challenge
         Saturday & Sunday    12:05-4 pm                      themselves with the resistance of the water in the
                                                              low-impact work-out as they exercise to lively, upbeat
         Tualatin Hills Aquatic Center features:              music.
                                                              Schedule can be found online,
          • ADA Lift Available                                facilities/aquatics/aquatic-center, or by stopping into the center.
          • Dive Platforms                                    The schedule is subject to change without notice.
          • Average Pool Temperature: 83-84°
          • Independent Changing Rooms

                                                                        Is your child new to THPRD?
                                                              THPRD offers swimming level assessments to ensure registration in
                                                              the appropriate level.
                                                              If you child is new to our lesson program or has not had lessons
                                                              with THPRD in the past six months, an assessment is encouraged.
                                                              Call 503-629-6310 for an appointment.

                                                               Lap Swim, Open Swim & Water Fitness
                                                               Please see online schedule at for Lap Swim, Open
                                                                 Swim, and Water Fitness opportunities at Conestoga.

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