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Summer Camps
Cedar Hills Recreation Center 503-629-6340
Playmaker's Soccer Camp Middle Schoolers Pickleball Camp
Campers will focus on teamwork, creativity, and mastering Get ready to serve, rally, and smash! This camp is perfect for
the role of the 'Playmaker'--the player who leads and controls middle schoolers looking to learn or improve their pickleball skills
the flow of the game. If you're new to the sport or have prior in a fun and engaging environment. Players will focus on the
experience, this camp is designed to elevate your skills while fundamentals, including serving, volleying, and strategy, through
keeping the experience fun. Shin protection recommended. drills, games, and friendly matches. let's build confidence, develop
Please bring a water bottle and snack every day. skills, and connect with new friends on the court!
No camp 7/4 7/14-7/18 M-F 9 am-12 pm 11-14 yrs CH12315
6/16-6/18 M/T/W 12:30-3:30 pm 9-12 yrs CH12220 Gym ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
Playfield B ID/AP: $135 OD: $168.75
7/14-7/18 M-F 12:30-3:30 pm 9-12 yrs CH12221 Sand Volleyball Camp
Playfield B ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
Get ready to dig into the fun! Join us for our Sand Volleyball
Camp, where you will learn the fundamentals of this exciting and
Ultimate Sports Field Camp dynamic variation of volleyball. Held outdoors on a sand volleyball
Get ready for a variety of sports action in this high-energy court, this camp offers plenty of action and sunshine. Don’t forget
camp! Campers will participate in a mix of games like soccer, to bring a towel to brush off the sand! Camp will take place
basketball, flag football, as well as field games like capture the offsite at Cedar Hills Park. Please bring a water bottle, snack, and
flag, kickball, and tug-of-war. Designed to build skills, teamwork, sunscreen.
and confidence, this camp offers something for everyone. 7/21-7/25 M-F 11 am-1 pm 11-15 yrs CH12314
No camp 7/4 Camp Cedar Hills Park ID/AP: $139 OD: $173.75
6/30-7/3 M/T/W/Th 12:30-2:30 pm 9-12 yrs CH12316
Playfield B ID/AP: $128 OD: $160 Track & Field Throwers Training Camp
7/7-7/11 M-F 9-11 am 9-12 yrs CH12317
Playfield B ID/AP: $139 OD: $173.75 This camp is designed for athletes who have summer meets
planned or those simply wanting an introduction to throwing
events in Track & Field. Athletes can expect both event-specific
Jazzminton® Sport Camp instruction and broad techniques to help develop powerful
Get ready for the wackiest new sport...Jazzminton®! This wild, throwing skills. Each day will include throwing drills, as well as
fun-filled game combines badminton and tennis into a game fun throwing-related activities! Throws covered include shot put,
of fast swings, quick reflexes, and lots of laughs. At camp, discus, and javelin.
you'll learn the ropes (or paddles!) of this zippy new sport. All 6/23-6/27 M-F 4:30-6:30 pm 11-16 yrs CH12322
equipment is provided! Just come ready to move and bring a Playfield A ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
water bottle.
8/18-8/22 M-F 12-2 pm 10-14 yrs CH12289 Volleyball Skills Camp
Gym ID/AP: $139 OD: $173.75
Ready to take your volleyball skills to the next level? This camp
is designed for players looking to refine their fundamentals and
Sports Camp – Middle build on their experience. We will focus on enhancing passing,
serving, and teamwork while challenging more experienced players
School/Teen Sports Camp to develop advanced techniques. Whether you're fine-tuning
your skills or gaining more confidence, this camp is the perfect
opportunity to grow. Do not forget to bring a water bottle every
Middle School Cross Country Training 8/4-8/8 M-F 1-4 pm 11-14 yrs CH12294
ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
Camp 8/11-8/15 M-F 1-4 pm 11-14 yrs CH12295
Open to those looking for two weeks of running fun or those Gym ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
interested in extra training ahead of the middle school cross
country season. Each day of camp will feature a workout, team- Weight Training Camp (11-14)
building activities, and time for camaraderie. Camp will go offsite
most days for workouts. Check-in at Cedar Hills Recreation Are you going out for a sport this fall? Want to get a head start
Center’s Field. Please wear suitable running shoes and bring a on conditioning? Come join us this summer at Cedar Hills and
water bottle. become a strong and fit athlete. This camp will focus on weight
8/11-8/21 (2) M/T/W/Th 10 am-12 pm 11-14 yrs CH12321 training! Get ready for time in the weight room in addition to
games, agility drills and conditioning. Develop your speed, power
Playfield ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
and agility!
7/21-7/31 (2) M/T/W/Th 12-2 pm 11-14 yrs CH12302
Wt Rm ID/AP: $169 OD: $211.25
Fees: ID/AP = User is in district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out of district (no assessment paid) Summer Camps 2025 Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District 21