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Summer Camps
Cedar Hills Recreation Center 503-629-6340
Lil’ Strikers Soccer Camp Water Fun Camp
Perfect for young athletes ready to have fun, this camp introduces Get ready for a splash-tastic adventure at Water Fun Camp! Race
basic soccer skills in a playful and engaging way. Through simple down the slip-and-slide, join water balloon battles, and enjoy field
drills and exciting games, campers will develop essential motor skills, games with sprinklers and foam cannon fun. Bring a water bottle,
teamwork, and confidence with the ball. This camp all about having a towel, sunscreen, water shoes or sandals, and a change of clothes,
blast on the field while laying the foundation for future sports success! you are going to get wet and have a blast!
Campers should wear athletic shoes, bring water, and a snack. 7/28-8/1 M-F 10 am-12 pm 6-8 yrs CH12102
No camp 6/19, 6/20. Playfield B ID/AP: $145 OD: $181.25
6/16-6/18 M/T/W 9-11 am 4-5 yrs CH12110 7/28-8/1 M-F 1-3 pm 4-6 yrs CH12103
Playfield A ID/AP: $117 OD: $146.25 Playfield B ID/AP: $145 OD: $181.25
No camp 7/4. 8/4-8/8 M-F 10 am-12 pm 4-6 yrs CH12104
6/30-7/3 M/T/W/Th 9:30-11:30 am 4-5 yrs CH12111 Playfield B ID/AP: $145 OD: $181.25
Playfield A ID/AP: $128 OD: $160 8/4-8/8 M-F 1-3 pm 6-8 yrs CH12105
7/7-7/11 M-F 12-2 pm 4-5 yrs CH12112 Playfield B ID/AP: $145 OD: $181.25
Playfield B ID/AP: $139 OD: $173.75 8/11-8/15 M-F 10 am-12 pm 4-6 yrs CH12106
8/11-8/15 M-F 1-3 pm 4-5 yrs CH12113 Playfield B ID/AP: $145 OD: $181.25
Playfield A ID/AP: $139 OD: $173.75 8/11-8/15 M-F 1-3 pm 6-8 yrs CH12107
8/18-8/22 M-F 9:30-10:30 am 4-5 yrs CH12114 Playfield B ID/AP: $145 OD: $181.25
Playfield A ID/AP: $139 OD: $173.75
Tiny Aces Tennis Camp
Sports Explorers Camp Serve up some excitement this summer! Tiny Aces Tennis Camp is
Campers will explore a variety of active sports and games. They the perfect place for young players to explore the world of tennis
will learn basic skills, develop teamwork, and have fun making while developing essential skills in a group-centered environment.
friends. Please remember to bring sunscreen, a water bottle, and Through interactive drills, engaging games, and collaborative
a snack each day. activities, campers will learn the basics of tennis, improve their
No camp 7/4. coordination, and work on teamwork. This camp promotes
6/30-7/3 M/T/W/Th 12-2 pm 4-6 yrs CH12119 friendship and group play, offering an energetic and active
Playfield A ID/AP: $128 OD: $160 experience. Pack snacks, a water bottle, sunscreen, and a hat, and
get ready for a week of tennis and outdoor adventure!
T-ball Skills Camp No camp 6/19, 6/20. 8:30-11:30 am 5-7 yrs CH12238
Step into the diamond and join us for our T-Ball Skills Camp! Engage Offsite ID/AP: $135 OD: $168.75
in games and activities designed to introduce the fundamental skills 6/23-6/27 M-F 8:30-11:30 am 5-7 yrs CH12240
of throwing, catching, and hitting off a tee. Come ready to play with Offsite ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
closed-toed shoes, a snack and a water bottle! No camp 7/4.
No camp 7/4. 6/30-7/3 M/T/W/Th 8:30-11:30 am 5-7 yrs CH12242
6/30-7/3 M/T/W/Th 9-11 am 4-6 yrs CH12115 Offsite ID/AP: $147 OD: $183.75
Playfield A ID/AP: $128 OD: $160 7/7-7/11 M-F 8:30-11:30 am 5-7 yrs CH12244
7/7-7/11 M-F 9:30-11:30 am 4-6 yrs CH12116 Offsite ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
Playfield A ID/AP: $139 OD: $173.75 7/14-7/18 M-F 8:30-11:30 am 5-7 yrs CH12246
Offsite ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
7/21-7/25 M-F 8:30-11:30 am 5-7 yrs CH12248
Tiny Stars Cheer Camp Offsite ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
Explore, learn and have a blast! Join us for a fun delightful introduction 7/28-8/1 M-F 8:30-11:30 am 5-7 yrs CH12250
to cheerleading! This camp will be a mix of cheerleading basics, fun Offsite ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
games and playful activities emphasizing teamwork and social skills. 8/4-8/8 M-F 8:30-11:30 am 5-7 yrs CH12252
7/28-8/1 M-F 9:30-11:30 am 4-6 yrs CH12143 Offsite ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
Gym ID/AP: $139 OD: $173.75 8/11-8/15 M-F 8:30-11:30 am 5-7 yrs CH12254
Offsite ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
8/18-8/22 M-F 8:30-11:30 am 5-7 yrs CH12256
Tiny Trailblazers Basketball Camp Offsite ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
Dribble, shoot, and score! This camp is for our youngest
athletes learning the basics of basketball. Campers will work on
coordination, develop listening skills, and build teamwork through
interactive games and simple drills. Campers should wear athletic
shoes, bring water, and a snack.
No camp 6/19, 6/20.
6/16-6/18 M/T/W 9:30-11:30 am 4-5 yrs CH12100
Gym ID/AP: $117 OD: $146.25
7/7-7/11 M-F 9:30-11:30 am 4-5 yrs CH12101
Gym ID/AP: $139 OD: $173.75
Fees: ID/AP = User is in district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out of district (no assessment paid)
18 Summer Camps 2025 Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District