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Summer Camps
Cedar Hills Recreation Center 503-629-6340
Cheer Camp Youth Tennis Camp
Explore the core elements of cheerleading, including arm motions, Our Youth Tennis Camp introduces young players to the basics of
jumps, tumbling, and routines. Participate in engaging games and the game, focusing on form, technique, and footwork. Through
activities that highlight teamwork and social skills. The session fun drills, games, and teamwork activities, campers will develop
concludes with a fun performance on the final day! Pom poms essential tennis skills, improve coordination, and learn how to work
provided. Please bring a snack and water bottle each day. together on the court. Pack snacks, a water bottle, sunscreen, and
7/28-8/1 M-F 12:30-3:30 pm 7-10 yrs CH12291 a hat, and join us for a week of learning, play, and teamwork!
Gym ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75 No camp 6/19, 6/20
6/16-6/18 M/T/W 12:30-3:30 pm 8-11 yrs CH12239
Youth Volleyball Camp 6/23-6/27 ID/AP: $135 OD: $168.75 CH12241
12:30-3:30 pm 8-11 yrs
Get ready to Set, Pass, & Hit! This camp focuses on developing Offsite ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
key skills like passing, serving, and teamwork. Beginners will build No camp 7/4
a strong foundation, while experienced players can sharpen their 6/30-7/3 M/T/W/Th 12:30-3:30 pm 8-11 yrs CH12243
techniques for the upcoming season. Volleyball is the ultimate Offsite ID/AP: $147 OD: $183.75
team sport, come enjoy the fun and excitement with us! Don’t 7/7-7/11 M-F 12:30-3:30 pm 8-11 yrs CH12245
forget to bring a water bottle each day. Offsite ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
8/4-8/8 M-F 9 am-12 pm 7-10 yrs CH12292 7/14-7/18 M-F 12:30-3:30 pm 8-11 yrs CH12247
Gym ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
8/11-8/15 M-F 9 am-12 pm 7-10 yrs CH12293 7/21-7/25 ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75 CH12249
12:30-3:30 pm 8-11 yrs
Gym ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
Offsite ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
7/28-8/1 M-F 12:30-3:30 pm 8-11 yrs CH12251
Youth Flag Football Camp Offsite ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
Flag Football Camp is all about fun and fundamentals! From 8/4-8/8 M-F 12:30-3:30 pm 8-11 yrs CH12253
high-fives to high catches, we've got it all. Look forward to fun Offsite ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
warm-ups, catching tricks, route-running games, this camp is 8/11-8/15 M-F 12:30-3:30 pm 8-11 yrs CH12255
an introduction to the sport of football filled with laughter and Offsite ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
learning. Grab your water bottle and join us for a week of football! 8/18-8/22 M-F 12:30-3:30 pm 8-11 yrs CH12257
8/4-8/8 M-F 12:30-2:30 pm 7-9 yrs CH12201 Offsite ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
Playfield A ID/AP: $139 OD: $173.75
Hoop Camp
Youth Soccer Camp Skill development at its core! Our camp features games and drills
This camp is the perfect introduction to the world of soccer for to hone the fundamental skills, providing instruction in ball control,
young players! Campers will learn the basics of the game, including shooting, dribbling, passing, and footwork. Elevate your game by
dribbling, passing, and shooting, through fun drills and friendly joining us on this journey of skill enhancement! Bring a water bottle
competition. With an emphasis on teamwork, sportsmanship, and gym suitable footwear.
and building confidence, this camp helps players develop their No camp 7/4
skills in a supportive, high-energy environment. Shin protection 6/30-7/3 M/T/W/Th 9 am-12 pm 9-12 yrs CH12310
recommended. Please bring a water bottle and snack every day. Gym ID/AP: $147 OD: $183.75
6/23-6/27 M-F 9 am-12 pm 7-10 yrs CH12227
Playfield B ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
7/21-7/25 M-F 9:30 am-12:30 pm 7-10 yrs Lacrosse Camp
CH12228 Welcome to our Lacrosse Camp, a high-energy camp filled with
Playfield B ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75 lacrosse drills and a variety of other fun team-building activities.
8/18-8/22 M-F 12:30-3:30 pm 7-10 yrs CH12229 We will work on cradling, passing, catching, and shooting. Please
Playfield B ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75 bring a water bottle, snack and wear closed toed shoes.
7/7-7/11 M-F 12:30-3:30 pm 9-12 yrs CH12208
Playfield A ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
All Comers Wrestling Camp
Step onto the mat and learn the fundamentals of wrestling in a fun,
supportive environment! This camp is open to all skill levels, from
beginners to experienced wrestlers, and focuses on building strength,
technique, and confidence. Through drills, matches, and group
activities, participants will develop wrestling skills while fostering
teamwork and discipline. Join us for an exciting week of growth
on and off the mat! Do not forget to bring water and wear athletic
7/28-8/1 M-F 12-3 pm 5-11 yrs CH12212
Gym ID/AP: $159 OD: $198.75
Fees: ID/AP = User is in district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out of district (no assessment paid)
20 Summer Camps 2025 Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District