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Summer Camps
Conestoga Recreation & Aquatic Center 503-629-6313
Summer Camp Deposits and Balances Week 10: Carnival Kingdom – The Grand Finale Celebration
For full day summer camps, a $30 deposit is required for each Field Trip: Onsite Carnival. No camp 8/21, 8/22.
participant for weeks 2-10. The full balance for week 1 is due 8/18-8/20 (1) M/T/W 8 am-6 pm 5-6 yrs CO17110
at the time of registration. All camp balances are due 14 days Rm 101 ID/AP: $189 OD: $236.25
before the start of each camp by 5 pm. An individual's space in
the camp will be forfeited automatically if the balance is not paid Conestoga Pathfinders (7-8 yrs)
by the two-week prior deadline. The deposit is non-refundable.
However, it may be transferred to another THPRD program Each week takes campers into a different fantastical world, blending
prior to 5 pm, Friday, May 30. creative storytelling, outdoor play, and hands-on activities that are
tailored for everyone. All campers should be sent to camp with
Full-day Summer Camps - Youth closed toe shoes, a water bottle, sunscreen, lunch and two snacks
each day. Bring swimsuit and a towel for camp swim days and
splash pad time. Splash pad and pool time may vary on weather
and availability. Field trip locations are subject to change.
Conestoga Explorers (5-6 yrs)
Each week takes campers into a different fantastical world, Week 1: Enchanted Forest – Mystical Creatures and Magic
Field Trip: No Field trip. No camp 6/19, 6/20.
blending creative storytelling, outdoor play, and hands-on activities 6/16-6/18 (1) M/T/W 8 am-6 pm 7-8 yrs CO17201
that are tailored for everyone. All campers should be sent to
camp with closed toe shoes, a water bottle, sunscreen, lunch and Rm 202 ID/AP: $189 OD: $236.25
two snacks each day. Bring swimsuit and a towel for camp swim Week 2: Under the Sea – Ocean Kingdoms and Mermaids
days and splash pad time. Splash pad and pool time may vary on Field trip: Oregon Zoo
weather and availability. Field trip locations are subject to change. 6/23-6/27 (1) M-F 8 am-6 pm 7-8 yrs CO17202
Rm 202 ID/AP: $315 OD: $393.75
Week 1: Enchanted Forest – Mystical Creatures and Magic Week 3: Dino World – The Age of Dinosaurs
Field Trip: No Field trip. No camp 6/19, 6/20. Field Trip: No Field trip. No camp 7/4.
6/16-6/18 (1) M/T/W 8 am-6 pm 5-6 yrs CO17101 6/30-7/3 (1) M/T/W/Th 8 am-6 pm 7-8 yrs CO17203
Rm 101 ID/AP: $189 OD: $236.25 Rm 202 ID/AP: $252 OD: $315
Week 2: Under the Sea – Ocean Kingdoms and Mermaids Week 4: The Haunted Kingdom – Friendly Ghosts & Ghouls
Field trip: Oregon Zoo Field Trip: Top Golf
6/23-6/27 (1) M-F 8 am-6 pm 5-6 yrs CO17102 7/7-7/11 (1) M-F 8 am-6 pm 7-8 yrs CO17204
Rm 101 ID/AP: $315 OD: $393.75 Rm 202 ID/AP: $315 OD: $393.75
Week 3: Dino World – The Age of Dinosaurs Week 5: The Wild Safari – Creative Animal Kingdom
Field Trip: No Field trip. No camp 7/4. Field Trip: Frog Pond Farms
6/30-7/3 (1) M/T/W/Th 8 am-6 pm 5-6 yrs CO17103 7/14-7/18 (1) M-F 8 am-6 pm 7-8 yrs CO17205
Rm 101 ID/AP: $252 OD: $315 Rm 202 ID/AP: $315 OD: $393.75
Week 4: The Haunted Kingdom – Friendly Ghosts & Ghouls Week 6: Superhero City – Heroes and Villains
Field Trip: Top Golf Field Trip: Langers
7/7-7/11 (1) M-F 8 am-6 pm 5-6 yrs CO17104 7/21-7/25 (1) M-F 8 am-6 pm 7-8 yrs CO17206
Rm 101 ID/AP: $315 OD: $393.75 Rm 202 ID/AP: $315 OD: $393.75
Week 5: The Wild Safari – Creative Animal Kingdom Week 7: Mission Control – Beyond the Stars
Field Trip: Frog Pond Farms Field Trip: OMSI
7/14-7/18 (1) M-F 8 am-6 pm 5-6 yrs CO17105 7/28-8/1 (1) M-F 8 am-6 pm 7-8 yrs CO17207
Rm 101 ID/AP: $315 OD: $393.75 Rm 202 ID/AP: $315 OD: $393.75
Week 6: Superhero City – Heroes and Villains Week 8: Knights and Princesses – Medieval Quest
Field Trip: Langers Field Trip: Sky Zone
7/21-7/25 (1) M-F 8 am-6 pm 5-6 yrs CO17106 8/4-8/8 (1) M-F 8 am-6 pm 7-8 yrs CO17208
Rm 101 ID/AP: $315 OD: $393.75 Rm 202 ID/AP: $315 OD: $393.75
Week 7: Mission Control – Beyond the Stars Week 9: Into the Jungle – Rainforest Rescue
Field Trip: OMSI Field Trip: Ultrazone
7/28-8/1 (1) M-F 8 am-6 pm 5-6 yrs CO17107 8/11-8/15 (1) M-F 8 am-6 pm 7-8 yrs CO17209
Rm 101 ID/AP: $315 OD: $393.75 Rm 202 ID/AP: $315 OD: $393.75
Week 8: Knights and Princesses – Medieval Quest Week 10: Carnival Kingdom – The Grand Finale Celebration
Field Trip: Sky Zone Field Trip: Onsite Carnival. No camp 8/21, 8/22.
8/4-8/8 (1) M-F 8 am-6 pm 5-6 yrs CO17108 8/18-8/20 (1) M/T/W 8 am-6 pm 7-8 yrs CO17210
Rm 101 ID/AP: $315 OD: $393.75 Rm 202 ID/AP: $189 OD: $236.25
Week 9: Into the Jungle – Rainforest Rescue
Field Trip: Ultrazone
8/11-8/15 (1) M-F 8 am-6 pm 5-6 yrs CO17109
Rm 101 ID/AP: $315 OD: $393.75
Fees: ID/AP = User is in district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out of district (no assessment paid) Summer Camps 2025 Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District 25