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Babette Horenstein Tennis Center                                             503-629-6331

      Class #  Dates   Days  Times      ID/AP   OD  Sessions  Class #  Dates  Days  Times       ID/AP   OD  Sessions
       Adult Tennis Training Camp Level 2.5-3                                Summer League
       Ready to take your game to the next level? Join us for this 4 day Adult   Looking for some competitive play in the summer? Want to meet
       Training Camp. Each day will have a different focus and theme including Hit   other players at your level of play? Check out the Tualatin Hills
       with the Pros, Stroking Analysis, Doubles Strategies and Drill & Play. You can   Summer Adult Tennis League! Teams are formed in May. Each match
       register for all 4 days or the specific days as well.   consists of a men's doubles match, a women's doubles match, and
      TC16921  7/7-7/10   M-Th   6:15-7:45 pm   $110   $137.50   4  two mixed doubles matches all playing an 8-game pro set. Played at
      TC16931  7/14-7/16   M-W   6:15-7:45 pm   $82   $102.50  3  the Tennis Center and the PCC Rock Creek courts -- begins in late
      TC16932  7/21-7/24   M-Th   6:15-7:45 pm   $110   $137.50   4  June and runs through the end of August.
      TC16941  7/28-7/31   M-Th   6:15-7:45 pm   $110   $137.50   4  If you do not have a team, but are interested in playing, signup for
                                                               the Summer League interest list:
       *Adult Tennis Hit with the Pro Training Clinic 2.5-3    3-3.5     TC1SUMGRN
       MONDAY ONLY.                                            2.5-3.0  TC1SUMRED
      TC16921A  7/7     M    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1   Contact Katherine Lomartire at with questions.
      TC16931A  7/14    M    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1   Looking for 1.5-2.0 league or 4+ league? Check out the summer
      TC16932A  7/21    M    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1   social league below.
      TC16941A  7/28    M    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
       *Adult Stroking Tennis Analysis Training Clinic 2.5-3
      TC16921B  7/8     T    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16931B  7/15    T    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16932B  7/22    T    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16941B  7/29    T    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
       *Adult Tennis Doubles Strategy Training Clinic 2.5-3
      TC16921C  7/9     W    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16931C  7/16    W    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16932C  7/23    W    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16941C  7/30    W    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
       *Adult Tennis Drill & Play Training Clinic 2.5-3
      TC16921D  7/10    Th   6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16932D  7/24    Th   6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16941D  7/31    Th   6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1

         Fees: ID/AP = User is in-district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out-of-district (no assessment paid)
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