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Babette Horenstein Tennis Center                                             503-629-6331

       Adult Classes                                         Class #  Dates  Days  Times       ID/AP   OD  Sessions
       Class #  Dates  Days  Times       ID/AP   OD  Sessions
       Adult Tennis Level 1                                   Adult Tennis Training Camp Level 1.5-2
                                                              Ready to take your game to the next level? Join us for this 3 day Adult
       Introduction to tennis. For beginners and players with no prior class instruction.   Training Camp. Each day will have a different focus and theme including: Hit
       This class will cover the tennis basics: forehand and backhand groundstrokes,   with the Pros, Stroking Analysis, and Doubles Strategies. You can register for
       volleys, overheads and serves, along with player court positioning and game   all 3 days or the specific days as well.
                                                             TC16311  6/16-6/18   M-W    6:15-7:45 pm   $65   $81.25   3
       TC16111   6/16-6/30   M   10:45 am-12 pm   $54   $67.50   3  TC16312  6/23-6/26   M-Th   6:15-7:45 pm   $86   $107.50   4
       TC16112  6/16-6/30   M   6:15-7:45 pm   $65   $81.25   3  TC16321  6/30-7/3   M-Th   6:15-7:45 pm   $86   $107.50   4
       TC16121  7/7-7/28   M   10:45 am-12 pm   $72   $90   4
       TC16122  7/8-7/29   T   6:15-7:45 pm   $86   $107.50   4  *Adult Tennis Hit with the Pro Training Clinic 1.5-2
       TC16141  8/4-8/18   M   10:45 am-12 pm   $54   $67.50   3
       TC16142  8/4-8/18   M   6:15-7:45 pm   $65   $81.25   3  MONDAY ONLY.
                                                             TC16311A  6/16   M    6:15-7:45 pm   $22   $27.50   1
       Adult Tennis Level 1.5                                TC16312A  6/23   M    6:15-7:45 pm   $22   $27.50   1
       This class will continue to develop the skills learned in Level 1. Continued   TC16321A  6/30   M   6:15-7:45 pm   $22   $27.50   1
       foundation skill development with introduction to approach shots and beginning
       doubles strategy.                                      *Adult Stroking Tennis Analysis Training Clinic 1.5-2
       TC16211  6/17-7/1   T   9-10:30 am   $65   $81.25   3  TUESDAY ONLY.
       TC16212  6/18-7/2   W   9-10:30 am   $65   $81.25   3  TC16311B  6/17   T   6:15-7:45 pm   $22   $27.50   1
       TC16221  7/7-7/28   M   6:15-7:45 pm   $86   $107.50   4  TC16312B  6/24   T   6:15-7:45 pm   $22   $27.50   1
       TC16222  7/8-7/29   T   9-10:30 am   $86   $107.50   4  TC16321B  7/1   T   6:15-7:45 pm   $22   $27.50   1
       TC16223  7/9-7/30   W   9-10:30 am   $86   $107.50   4
       TC16224  7/9-7/30   W   6:15-7:45 pm   $86   $107.50   4  *Adult Tennis Doubles Strategy Training Clinic 1.5-2
       TC16241  8/4-8/18   M   6:15-7:45 pm   $65   $81.25   3
       TC16242  8/5-8/19   T   9-10:30 am   $65   $81.25   3  WEDNESDAY ONLY.
       TC16243  8/6-8/20   W   9-10:30 am   $65   $81.25   3  TC16311C  6/18   W   6:15-7:45 pm   $22   $27.50   1
                                                             TC16312C  6/25   W    6:15-7:45 pm   $22   $27.50   1

                                                              *Adult Tennis Drill & Play Training Clinic 1.5-2
                                                              THURSDAY ONLY.
                                                             TC16312D  6/26   Th   6:15-7:45 pm   $22   $27.50   1
                                                             TC16321D  7/3    Th   6:15-7:45 pm   $22   $27.50   1

                                                             Cardio Tennis Level 1.5-3
                                                             Cardio Tennis a high-energy fitness activity that combines features of the sport
                                                             of tennis with cardiovascular exercise, delivering the ultimate, full body, calorie
                                                             burning aerobic workout.
                                                            TC16411  6/26-7/3   Th   10:45-11:45 am   $37   $46.25   2
                                                            TC16421  7/10-7/31   Th   10:45-11:45 am   $55   $68.75   3
                                                            TC16441  8/7-8/21   Th   10:45-11:45 am   $55   $68.75   3
                                                             Adult Stroking Tennis Analysis
                                                             This class is available for players level 1.5 and up. The main goal of this
                                                             class is to work on the technical portion of your game. You will cover ground
                                                             strokes, volleys, serves, and returns during the session. The ball machine is
                                                             utilized in this class. You will receive feedback on your shots and get a lot of
                                                             hitting repetition on the ball machine.
                                                            TC16511  6/17-7/1   T   6:15-7:45 pm   $65   $81.25   3
                                                            TC16512  7/7-7/28   M   6:15-7:45 pm   $86   $107.50   4
                                                            TC16541  8/5-8/19   T   6:15-7:45 pm   $65   $81.25   3

         Fees: ID/AP = User is in-district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out-of-district (no assessment paid)
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