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Babette Horenstein Tennis Center                                             503-629-6331

      Class #  Dates   Days  Times       ID/AP   OD  Sessions  Class #  Dates  Days  Times     ID/AP   OD  Sessions
       Adult Tennis Level 2                                  Adult Drill and Play Levels 2.5 - 3.0
       In this class, students will continue skill work for groundstrokes with an   This 90-minute class gives you a 30-minute, fast-paced warmup followed by an
       emphasis on grips and footwork, followed by court positioning for doubles,   hour of organized match play with a pro. The level of play is 2.5-3.
       and developing your transition game for both singles and doubles. New skills
       to be introduced in this class include Ball placement, Lob, return of serve, and   TC17111   6/26-7/3   Th   6:15-7:45 pm   $55   $68.75   2
       overhead footwork.
      TC16611  6/16-6/30   M   9-10:30 am   $82   $102.50  3  Adult Tennis Level 3
      TC16612  6/26-7/3   Th   9-10:30 am   $55   $68.75   2  This class will further develop the use of topspin and slice groundstrokes and
      TC16621  7/7-7/28   M   9-10:30 am   $110   $137.50   4  their role in tennis strategy. Development of aggressive play at the net as well
                                                             as singles and doubles strategies.
      TC16622  7/8-7/29   T   6:15-7:45 pm   $110   $137.50   4
      TC16623  7/10-7/31   Th   9-10:30 am   $82   $102.50  3  TC17211  6/17-7/1   T   6:15-7:45 pm   $86   $107.50   3
      TC16641  8/4-8/18   M   9-10:30 am   $82   $102.50  3  TC17241  8/5-8/19   T   6:15-7:45 pm   $86   $107.50   3
      TC16642  8/7-8/21   Th   9-10:30 am   $82   $102.50  3
                                                             Adult Tennis Doubles Strategy Level 3+
       Adult Tennis Training Camp Level 2-2.5                Join us for this Doubles Strategy class. Coaches will take you through different
       Ready to take your game to the next level? Join us for this 4 day Adult Training   offensive and defensive doubles strategies with fast-paced drills and game-play.
       Camp. Each day will have a different focus and theme including Hit with the   TC17311  8/7-8/21   Th   6:15-7:45 pm   $86   $107.50   3
       Pros, Stroking Analysis, Doubles Strategies and Drill & Play. You can register
       for all 4 days or the specific days as well.          Adult Tennis Doubles Skills and Strategies 3.5+
      TC16741  8/4-8/7   M/T/W/Th  6:15-7:45 pm   $110   $137.50   4
      TC16751  8/11-8/14   M/T/W/Th  6:15-7:45 pm   $110   $137.50   4  This class is for Adult NTRP Levels 3.5+. Join for fast-paced drilling and point
                                                             play to work on your game and skill development.
      TC16752  8/18-8/21   M/T/W/Th  6:15-7:45 pm   $110   $137.50   4
                                                            TC17511  6/18-7/2   W   10:45 am-12:15 pm $86   $107.50   3
       *Adult Tennis Hit with the Pro Training Clinic 2-2.5  TC17521  7/9-7/30   W   10:45 am-12:15 pm $114   $142.50  4
       MONDAY ONLY.                                         TC17541  8/6-8/20   W   10:45 am-12:15 pm $86   $107.50   3
      TC16741A  8/4    M    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16751A  8/11   M    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16752A  8/18   M    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
       *Adult Stroking Tennis Analysis Training Clinic 2-2.5
      TC16741B  8/5    T    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16751B  8/12   T    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16752B  8/19   T    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
       *Adult Tennis Doubles Strategy Training Clinic 2-2.5
      TC16741C  8/6    W    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16751C  8/13   W    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16752C  8/20   W    6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
       *Adult Tennis Drill & Play Training Clinic 2-2.5
      TC16741D  8/7    Th   6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16751D  8/14   Th   6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1
      TC16752D  8/21   Th   6:15-7:45 pm   $27   $33.75   1

       Adult Tennis Level 2.5
       This class will emphasize live ball skills as our coaches put players into different
       singles and doubles play scenarios. Advanced skill development includes work
       on hitting topspin and slice groundstrokes and continued work on offensive and
       defensive shots.
      TC16811  6/16-6/30   M   6:15-7:45 pm   $82   $102.50  3
      TC16812  6/17-7/1   T   10:45 am-12 pm   $72   $90   3
      TC16821  7/8-7/29   T   10:45 am-12 pm   $96   $120   4
      TC16841  8/5-8/19   T   10:45 am-12 pm   $72   $90   3

           Fees: ID/AP = User is in-district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out-of-district (no assessment paid)             Summer 2025 Activities Guide          Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District  167
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