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Adaptive & Inclusive
Recreation Services
Recreation Services for People Programs Facilitated by Adaptive &
Experiencing Disabilities Inclusive Services:
Inclusion Services Monday Night Adult Therapeutic Recreation Classes (TR)
Inclusion Services is committed towards providing a continuum A recreation program for patrons 16 years of age and older with
of staff support to children, teens, and adults with disabilities disabilities. Weekly events and off-site activities are offered throughout
in order to make all THPRD programming more accessible. the year. On-site programs are located at the Elsie Stuhr Center 5550 SW
We believe in meeting the diverse needs of the community we Hall Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97005.
serve, which promotes the dignity, success and enjoyment of all Wednesday Night Teen Therapeutic Recreation Classes (TR)
participants. Individualized one to one support is available for A recreation program for teens ages 13-20 years of age with disabilities.
patrons experiencing disability in the registered class(es) of their Programs and off-site activities meet and start at the Elsie Stuhr Center
choice. Available at all THPRD sites throughout the district. At 5550 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97005.
this time, Inclusion Services does not provide Inclusion Assistants
for any swim programs. For more information about Inclusion Thursday Night All-Stars Drop-in Basketball
Services, email or call 503-629-6341. A recreational and socialization program for teen and adults ages 16+
with disabilities to play basketball. Games are held at THPRD Athletic
Center, 15707 Walker Rd., Beaverton, OR 97006.
Thursday Night Wheelchair Drop-in Basketball
A weekly drop-in program for people ages 16+ to play wheelchair
Registration: A THPRD account is required for all programs / basketball. Games are held at THPRD Athletic Center, 15707 Walker Rd.,
activity registrations. Please see page 178 for more information Beaverton, OR 97006.
on registration.
Camp Rivendale
Financial Aid Program A summer day camp providing recreational opportunities for patrons ages
Financial assistance is available through the THPRD Scholarship 6-20 with disabilities. For more information, email us at camprivendale@
Program for in-district participants who qualify. See information
on page 174 or call the Administrative Office at 503-619-3994. Adaptive Mobile Recreation
Adaptive & Inclusive Volunteers THPRD’s Adaptive Rec Mobile is a free drop-in program for people of
Would you like to have a meaningful and positive impact in all ages. This inclusive, community-based recreation program provides
your community? Join us and have fun working with children, fun sensory friendly games, crafts, and other activities throughout our
teens, and adults with developmental disabilities. For more community. If you are interested in Adaptive Rec Mobile coming to your
information, email us at facility or events, please inquire at
TriMet Lift Friday Adaptive Rec Mobile Gardening
Please schedule arrivals and pickups no more than 15 minutes A free drop-in gardening program for people of all ages and abilities. The
program is held at the garden plots at Mountain View Champions Park.
before and no later than 15 minutes after registered/drop-in
activities. Staff will not be available before or after that time.
Address for Athletic Center: 50 NW 158th Ave., Beaverton, 97006
Address for the Elsie Stuhr Center: 5550 SW Hall Blvd., Beaverton, 97005 Adaptive and Inclusion Program Specialist: Sofia Nichols
Address for the Garden Home Recreation Center: 7475 SW Oleson Rd., Garden Home Facility Supervisor: Karol Watts
Portland, 97223
Address for the Mountain View Champion Park: 5915 SW 170th Ave. Beaverton, For more information on any of these program, call
OR 97007 Inclusion at 503-629-6341 or email
Please Note: For safety and liability reasons, THPRD staff
reserve the right to exclude any individual who displays
aggressive or challenging behaviors that are inappropriate to a
community setting or put the leader or another participant at
risk of injury. Alternative program options will be recommended
whenever possible.
Non-THPRD Caregivers: THPRD does not provide personal
care. Caregivers are welcome to join programs. Prior to
attending a program, the caregiver participation form must be
submitted to Inclusion and background check must be cleared.
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District Summer 2025 Activities Guide 65