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Summer Camps

        Babette Horenstein Tennis Center                                                       503-629-6331

         Outdoor Camps @ Sunset Park                         Indoor Camps @ BHTC

         Class #  Dates  Days  Times       ID/AP   OD  Sessions  Class #  Dates  Days  Times   ID/AP   OD  Sessions
          10 and Under Tennis Camp @ Sunset Park              Age 7 to 10 Green Ball Tennis Camp Level 2+ @BHTC
          (Ages 7-10, All Levels)                             Come out and join the staff for this week-long indoor camp.  Players work
          Are you seeking a week-long camp to enhance and develop your child's tennis   on shot consistency, offensive and defensive shots, doubles and singles
          skills? Camp will run for 4 hours each day. Players will work on tennis skills,   movement, and specialty shots. Students will be introduced to game scoring
          hand-eye coordination drills, tennis games and field games and activities.   along with an emphasis on rallying in different scenarios. This camp is taught
          Please bring a snack & water bottle to camp each day. Camp will take place   with an emphasis on point play and rallying while continuing to develop
          outdoors at Sunset Park: 13707 NW Science Park Drive, Portland OR 97229.  the skills. Class will take place indoors at BHTC: 15707 SW Walker Road,
                                                              Beaverton, OR 97006.
         TC12111   6/16-6/20 M/T/W/F   9 am-1 pm   $264   $330   4
         TC12112  6/23-6/27 M-F     9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5
         TC12121  6/30-7/3   M-Th    9 am-1 pm   $264   $330   4  TC12211  6/16-6/18  M/T/W   3-5 pm   $134   $167.50   3
         TC12122  7/7-7/11    M-F     9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5  TC12212  6/23-6/26  M-Th   3-5 pm   $179   $223.75  4
         TC12131  7/14-7/18  M-F     9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5  TC12221  6/30-7/3    M-Th   3-5 pm   $179   $223.75  4
         TC12132  7/21-7/25  M-F     9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5  TC12222  7/7-7/10     M-Th   3-5 pm   $179   $223.75  4
         TC12141  7/28-8/1   M-F     9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5  TC12231  7/14-7/16   M-W   3-5 pm   $134   $167.50   3
         TC12142  8/4-8/8     M-F     9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5  TC12232  7/21-7/24   M-Th   3-5 pm   $179   $223.75  4
         TC12151  8/11-8/15  M-F     9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5  TC12241  7/28-7/31   M-Th   3-5 pm   $179   $223.75  4
         TC12152  8/18-8/22 M-F     9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5  TC12242  8/4-8/7      M-Th   3-5 pm   $179   $223.75  4
                                                             TC12251  8/11-8/14   M-Th   3-5 pm   $179   $223.75  4
          Junior Development Tennis Camp @ Sunset Park       TC12252  8/18-8/21  M-Th   3-5 pm   $179   $223.75  4
          (Ages 10-14, All Levels)                            Age 11 to 14 Junior Development Tennis Camp
          Are you seeking a week-long camp to enhance and develop your child's tennis   Level 2+ @BHTC
          skills? Camp will run for 4 hours each day. Players will work on tennis skills,
          hand-eye coordination drills, tennis games and field games and activities.   Come out and join the staff for this week-long indoor camp. Players work
          Please bring a snack & water bottle to camp each day. Camp will take place   on shot consistency, offensive and defensive shots, doubles and singles
          outdoors at Sunset Park: 13707 NW Science Park Drive, Portland OR 97229.  movement, and specialty shots. Students will be introduced to game scoring
                                                              along with an emphasis on rallying in different scenarios. This camp is taught
         TC13111   6/16-6/20  M/T/W/F   9 am-1 pm   $264   $330   4  with an emphasis on point play and rallying while continuing to develop
         TC13112  6/23-6/27  M-F    9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5  the skills. Class will take place indoors at BHTC: 15707 SW Walker Road,
         TC13121  6/30-7/3    M-Th   9 am-1 pm   $264   $330   4  Beaverton, OR 97006.
         TC13122  7/7-7/11     M-F    9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5
         TC13131  7/14-7/18   M-F    9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5  TC13411  6/16-6/18   M/T/W   4-6 pm   $134   $167.50   3
         TC13132  7/21-7/25   M-F    9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5  TC13412  6/23-6/26   M-Th   4-6 pm   $179   $223.75  4
         TC13141  7/28-8/1    M-F    9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5  TC13421  6/30-7/3     M-Th   4-6 pm   $179   $223.75  4
         TC13142  8/4-8/8      M-F    9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5  TC13422  7/7-7/10     M-Th   4-6 pm   $179   $223.75  4
         TC13151  8/11-8/15   M-F    9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5  TC13431  7/14-7/16   M/T/W   4-6 pm   $134   $167.50   3
         TC13152  8/18-8/22  M-F    9 am-1 pm   $330   $412.50   5  TC13432  7/21-7/24   M-Th   4-6 pm   $179   $223.75  4
                                                             TC13441  7/28-7/31   M-Th   4-6 pm   $179   $223.75  4
                                                             TC13442  8/4-8/7      M-Th   4-6 pm   $179   $223.75  4
                                                             TC13451  8/11-8/14   M-Th   4-6 pm   $179   $223.75  4
                                                             TC13452  8/18-8/21   M-Th   4-6 pm   $179   $223.75  4
                                                              Age 11 to 14 Advanced Junior Development Tennis Camp
                                                              Level 3+ @BHTC
                                                              Are you looking for a week-long class to enhance and develop your tennis
                                                              skills? Class will run for 2.5 hours each day. Players will work on skill
                                                              development, stroke production, offensive and defensive skill and strategies
                                                              along with focus on Singles and Doubles work. Class will take place indoors at
                                                              BHTC: 15707 SW Walker Road, Beaverton, OR 97006.
                                                             TC13611  6/16-6/18   M-W   9-11:30 am   $168   $210   3
                                                             TC13612  6/23-6/26  M-Th   9-11:30 am   $224   $280   4
                                                             TC13621  6/30-7/3     M-Th   9-11:30 am   $224   $280   4
                                                             TC13622  7/7-7/10     M-Th   9-11:30 am   $224   $280   4
                                                             TC13631  7/14-7/16   M-W   9-11:30 am   $168   $210   3
                                                             TC13632  7/21-7/24   M-Th   9-11:30 am   $224   $280   4
                                                             TC13641  7/28-7/31   M-Th   9-11:30 am   $224   $280   4
                                                             TC13642  8/4-8/7      M-Th   9-11:30 am   $224   $280   4
                                                             TC13651  8/11-8/14   M-Th   9-11:30 am   $224   $280   4
                                                             TC13652  8/18-8/21   M-Th   9-11:30 am   $224   $280   4

                     Fees: ID/AP = User is in district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out of district (no assessment paid)
               Summer Camps 2025                    Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District  63
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