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Summer Camps
Tualatin Hills Athletic Center 503-629-6330
Sports Madness Camp - OUTDOOR Imagination Adventure Camp
Sports Madness camp serves as an introduction to sports Imagination Adventures is an immersive live-action role play
for children wanting to learn a variety of sports. The camp game where young adventurers get to create a fictional hero and
environment and curriculum are based on sports instruction and embark on epic adventures to save the province of Orenwood
fun in hopes of planting the seeds for a lifetime of sports passion, (a fictional counterpart to Oregon state). These adventures will
appreciation, and, above all, participation. Campers will be divided overflow with puzzles and conundrums to get adventurers' brains
by age and participate in a variety of fun games and activities while working on riddles, problem-solving, fictional conflict resolution,
making new friends. No camp 6/19 or 7/4. and more to build the necessary skills for lifelong success.
6/16-6/20 M/T/W/F 8 am-3 pm 6-14 yrs AC17301 Each week-long day camp is a fully original story from start to
Soccer Field ID/AP: $277 OD: $346.25 finish, crafted especially for age-appropriate learning, and the
6/30-7/3 M/T/W/Th 8 am-3 pm 6-14 yrs AC17303 adventurers' choices shape the world of Orenwood and their own
Soccer Field ID/AP: $277 OD: $346.25 epic quests!
8/18-8/20 M/T/W 8 am-3 pm 6-14 yrs AC17310
Soccer Field ID/AP: $207 OD: $258.75 Week 1: Hugg the Barbarian's Last Treasure Hunt. Join Hugg,
an aging barbarian, on one last adventure before retirement.
Sports Madness Camp - INDOOR Solve puzzles, fight monsters, and earn riches.
8:30 am-4:30 pm 6-14 yrs AC17701
Sports Madness camp serves as an introduction to sports Soccer Field ID/AP: $425 OD: $531.25
for children wanting to learn a variety of sports. The camp
environment and curriculum are based on sports instruction and Week 2: Invitation to Mystery. This week, a strange letter
fun in hopes to plant the seeds for a lifetime of sports passion, teleported you to a castle that seems to have no way out. Solve
appreciation, and, above all, participation. Campers will be divided puzzles and battle ghosts to find your way home. No camp 7/4.
8:30 am-4:30 pm 6-14 yrs AC17703
by age and participate in a variety of fun games and activities while
making new friends. Soccer Field ID/AP: $340 OD: $425
6/23-6/27 M-F 9 am-4 pm 6-14 yrs AC17302 Week 3: Mirror Imagine Intrigue. The Dwarven King asked you
Ct 4 -Indoor ID/AP: $346 OD: $432.50 to come and uncover the doppelganger hiding somewhere in
7/7-7/11 M-F 9 am-4 pm 6-14 yrs AC17304 his court. Immerse yourself in the mystery storyline with court
Ct 4 -Indoor ID/AP: $346 OD: $432.50 intrigue.
7/21-7/25 M-F 9 am-4 pm 6-14 yrs AC17305 6/23-6/27 M-F 8:30 am-4:30 pm 6-14 yrs AC17702
Ct 4 -Indoor ID/AP: $346 OD: $432.50 Soccer Field ID/AP: $425 OD: $531.25
7/28-8/1 M-F 9 am-4 pm 6-14 yrs AC17307
Ct 4 -Indoor ID/AP: $346 OD: $432.50 See additional Imagination Adventure Camps at Conestoga
8/11-8/15 M-F 9 am-4 pm 6-14 yrs AC17309 Recreation & Aquatics and Garden Home Recreation Centers.
Ct 4 -Indoor ID/AP: $346 OD: $432.50
Fees: ID/AP = User is in district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out of district (no assessment paid) Summer Camps 2025 Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District 61