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Summer Camps

        Tualatin Hills Nature Center • Cooper Mountain Nature Park • Jenkins Estate • Camps • 503-629-6350

          Hood to Coast                                     Magical Oregon
          Streams, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, and oceans. This week we   Join us as we explore the mythical creatures and enchanted places
          will dip into the science of water by visiting many of our local   of Oregon. Discover local plants and learn the art of herbology,
          water features.  We will trace the path of a water droplet from   brewing healing potions from nature’s magic. This week is sure to
          the high reaches of Mt. Hood, to the Oregon Coast.  Along the   be an adventure filled with wonder, mystery, and the secrets of
          way we will learn about the water cycle, water chemistry, water   the natural world!
          conservation, and about the creatures that live in and around   Field Trips: Wildwood Recreation Site, Silver Falls State Park
          water.  This week is bound to be a splash!        8/11-8/15    M-F     8 am-5 pm   10-13 yrs  NP17509
          Field trips: Mirror Lake, Oswald West               Tualatin Hills Nature Center  ID/AP: $346   OD: $432.50
          7/14-7/18    M-F    8 am-5 pm   10-13 yrs  NP17505
            Tualatin Hills Nature Center  ID/AP: $346   OD: $432.50  Wildlife Expedition
                                                            From waterfowl habitat preservation and fisheries management
                                                            to the creation of migration corridors, wildlife biologists develop
                                                            various ways for native animals and humans to live together in
                                                            Oregon. Explore careers in wildlife management, identify wildlife,
                                                            and hone your observation skills.
                                                            Field Trips: Bonneville Dam and Hatchery, Park Ranger Field Day
                                                            8/18-8/22    M-F     8 am-5 pm   10-13 yrs  NP17510
                                                              Tualatin Hills Nature Center  ID/AP: $346   OD: $432.50
                                                            Art in Nature Camp • 11-14 yrs

                                                            Dive into nature with your creativity! This camp invites older kids
                                                            to explore the plants and animals around them while expressing
                                                            themselves through art. From capturing nature’s beauty to
                                                            sparking imaginative ideas, campers will gain inspiration from
          Wilderness Warriors                               the outdoors. Campers need to bring a snack, a bottle of water,
                                                            and a small backpack each day. Camp meets at the Tualatin Hills
          Can you survive in the wild?  This week campers will battle the   Nature Center.
          elements as they learn valuable wilderness skills.  Through a
          series of challenges, campers will learn fire building techniques,   Sketching Naturally
          wilderness first aid, shelter making skills, and will become
          experts in leaving no trace.  Our field trips will include hiking   Get ready for creative adventures! Campers will make their own
          opportunities to practice our skills and become true wilderness   sketchbooks and head out to the park to capture nature scenes
          warriors!                                         and craft art supplies from natural materials, turning the outdoors
          Field Trips: Gales Creek Campground, Salmon River Trail  into their own art studio! No camp on 7/3 and 7/4.
          7/21-7/25    M-F    8 am-5 pm   10-13 yrs  NP17506   6/30-7/2   M/T/W   9 am-noon   11-14 yrs  NP17230
            Tualatin Hills Nature Center  ID/AP: $346   OD: $432.50  Tualatin Hills Nature Center  ID/AP: $129   OD: $161.25
          Rockin’ Out                                       Sculpting With Nature
          Take a closer look at how earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic   Bring creatures to life through art! In this camp, campers will
          activity have created our landscape here in the Pacific Northwest.   explore a variety of art mediums to create works inspired by real-
          Hunt for rocks and minerals to get a clear understanding of the   life animals and fantastical creatures from imaginary worlds.
          geologic history of Oregon and our planet.        8/11-8/15    M-F     9 am-noon   11-14 yrs  NP17233
          Field Trips: Rice Rock Museum, Oceanside            Tualatin Hills Nature Center  ID/AP: $215   OD: $268.75
          7/28-8/1    M-F     8 am-5 pm   10-13 yrs  NP17507
            Tualatin Hills Nature Center  ID/AP: $346   OD: $432.50  Family Nature Day Camp • 6-10 yrs
          No Bones About It                                 Join us for a fun week of outdoor adventures at Family Nature
                                                            Camp! This camp is designed for parents, guardians, and kids to
          Have you ever wondered what it would be like without all of   connect through fun, hands-on activities and nature exploration.
          your bones?  Discover how creatures have adapted to live on   Work together on creative nature-inspired crafts, discover local
          our planet without bones.  Explore the flying and crawling   wildlife, and enjoy games and challenges as you explore the great
          invertebrates we see on land, as well as those that live in tide   outdoors. Each participant should bring lunch, drinking water, a
          pools and underwater.                             small snack, and a backpack daily. Camp meets at the Tualatin
          Field Trips: Oxbow Regional Park, Oregon Coast    Hills Nature Center.
          8/4-8/8   M-F       8 am-5 pm   10-13 yrs  NP17508
            Tualatin Hills Nature Center   ID/AP: $346   OD: $432.50  Registration fee is per child, adult participation required, up to 2
                                                            children per adult.
                                                            7/23-25    W/Th/F    9 am-1 pm   6-10 yrs   NP1790
                                                              Tualatin Hills Nature Center  ID/AP: $150   OD: $187.50
                     Fees: ID/AP = User is in district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out of district (no assessment paid)
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