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Summer Camps

       Tualatin Hills Nature Center • Cooper Mountain Nature Park • Jenkins Estate • Camps • 503-629-6350

        Mini Nature Camp • 6-9 yrs                          Wilderness Explorers
                                                            Every day is filled with adventure as we head into the park and
        Mini Nature Camps are half-day camps for elementary-age   learn what it means to be a wilderness explorer! Learn about
        children filled with fun and adventure. Create crafts, play games,   tracking, use maps to find your way and develop a deeper
        make new friends, and explore the trails and habitats of the park.   appreciation for the natural world.
        Some themes will be repeated twice over the summer. Camps   7/14-7/18    M-F   9 am-noon   6-9 yrs   CM17244
        with the same theme will have the same content. Campers need   Cooper Mountain Nature House   ID/AP/OD: $192
        to bring a snack, bottle of water, and small backpack each day.
        Camp meets at the Cooper Mountain Nature House.     Hunters and Hunted
                                                            Everyone needs food at Cooper Mountain. Many animals are
                                                            prowling around in search of their next meal. Predators and prey
                                                            constantly have to change and adapt to survive. Explore the food
                                                            web and discover how animals hunt and avoid being eaten.
                                                            7/21-7/25    M-F    9 am-noon   6-9 yrs   CM17245
                                                            Cooper Mountain Nature House    ID/AP/OD: $192

                                                            Nature Spies
                                                            Sharpen your nature sleuthing skills as well as learn about plants
                                                            and animals. Take a closer look at animal evidence along the trail
                                                            and specimens in the classroom. Your mission is to decipher the
                                                            clues animals leave behind.
                                                            7/28-8/1    M-F     9 am-noon   6-9 yrs   CM17246
                                                            Cooper Mountain Nature House    ID/AP/OD: $192
        Nature Spies
        Sharpen your nature sleuthing skills as well as learn about plants   Sense-sational Scientists
        and animals. Take a closer look at animal evidence along the trail
        and specimens in the classroom. Your mission is to decipher the   Grab your lab coat and safety goggles as you become a scientist
        clues animals leave behind. No camp 6/19 and 6/20.  this week. Create and conduct mind-blowing nature experiments
        6/16-6/18   M/T/W    9 am-noon   6-9 yrs   CM17240  and use all 5 senses to observe results. Some of them are bound
                                                            to surprise you!
          Cooper Mountain Nature House   ID/AP/OD: $116     8/4-8/8    M-F      9 am-noon   6-9 yrs   CM17247
                                                            Cooper Mountain Nature House    ID/AP/OD: $192
        Sense-sational Scientists
        Grab your lab coat and safety goggles as you become a scientist   Pollinator Pals
        this week. Create and conduct mind-blowing nature experiments
        and use all 5 senses to observe results. Some of them are bound   Explore the world of pollination! Celebrate the creatures that
        to surprise you!                                    keep our flowers blooming and food growing! Learn about the
        6/23-6/27    M-F     9 am-noon   6-9 yrs   CM17241  bees, butterflies, bats, moths, and hummingbirds that make it all
          Cooper Mountain Nature House   ID/AP/OD: $192     8/11-8/15    M-F    9 am-noon   6-9 yrs   CM17248
                                                              Cooper Mountain Nature House   ID/AP/OD: $192
        Pollinator Pals
        Explore the world of pollination! Celebrate the creatures that
        keep our flowers blooming and food growing! Learn about the
        bees, butterflies, bats, moths, and hummingbirds that make it all
        happen. No camp 7/4.
        6/30-7/3    M/T/W/Th   9 am-noon   6-9 yrs   CM17242
          Cooper Mountain Nature House   ID/AP/OD: $154

        Explore the science of gross and slimy things in nature. From
        squishy mud and creepy bugs, strange fungus and mysterious
        scat, we’ll discover the yucky things that make nature so   Grossology
        interesting. Dive into owl pellets and get up close to investigate
        slugs and snail slime!                              Explore the science of gross and slimy things in nature. From
        7/7-7/11    M-F      9 am-noon   6-9 yrs   CM17243  squishy mud and creepy bugs, strange fungus and mysterious
          Cooper Mountain Nature House   ID/AP/OD: $192     scat, we’ll discover the yucky things that make nature so
                                                            interesting. Dive into owl pellets and get up close to investigate
                                                            slugs and snail slime!
                                                            8/18-8/22   M-F     9 am-noon   6-9 yrs   CM17249
                                                              Cooper Mountain Nature House   ID/AP/OD: $192

                      Fees: ID/AP = User is in district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out of district (no assessment paid)
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