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P. 56
Summer Camps
Tualatin Hills Nature Center • Cooper Mountain Nature Park • Jenkins Estate • Camps • 503-629-6350
The Wild Side of Art
Nature, with its array of colors, textures, and beauty, has sparked
the creativity of artists for centuries. Share your artistic vision
through a variety of media as we travel to inspiring spots around
the area and observe nature through different lenses.
Field Trip: Wildwood Recreation Site
8/4-8/8 M-F 8 am-5 pm 7-10 yrs NP17207
Tualatin Hills Nature Center ID/AP: $325 OD: $406.25
Wetland Wonders
Frogs, beavers, birds, and bugs: Something wild is going on in
our wetlands. Explore the wet waterways of Oregon and find
out what makes them an important part of our environment. No
camp on 6/19 and 6/20.
Field Trip: Jackson Bottom Wetlands
6/16-6/18 M/T/W 8 am-5 pm 10-13 yrs NP17501
Tualatin Hills Nature Center ID/AP: $208 OD: $260
Treasure Hunt Wings of the Wild
Arrrre ye ready for adventure? Come and learn all the mapping With binoculars in hand, spend the week exploring local birding
and orienteering skills needed to be a true nature pirate as we hotspots looking for birds of prey and native Oregon birds. We
search for local hidden treasures and tell tales of Oregon's own will explore the science behind flight, birding basics, and discover
swashbucklin' natural history. the unique adaptations of these birds.
Field Trip: Oswald West State Park Field Trips: Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge, Oxbow
8/11-8/15 M-F 8 am-5 pm 7-10 yrs NP17208 Regional Park M-F 8 am-5 pm 10-13 yrs NP17502
Tualatin Hills Nature Center ID/AP: $325 OD: $406.25
Tualatin Hills Nature Center ID/AP: $346 OD: $432.50
S’more Camping Please Magical Oregon
Let's do all our favorite camping activities! We will set up tents,
tell stories, eat s'mores, learn how to use a compass, and other Join us as we explore the mythical creatures and enchanted
wilderness survival skills. places of Oregon. Discover local plants and learn the art of
herbology, brewing potions from nature’s magic. This week is
Field Trip: Oxbow Regional Park sure to be an adventure filled with wonder, mystery, and the
8/18-8/22 M-F 8 am-5 pm 7-10 yrs NP17209 secrets of the natural world! No camp on 7/4.
Tualatin Hills Nature Center ID/AP: $325 OD: $406.25
Field Trips: Wildwood Recreation Site, Silver Falls State Park
Camp Green • Ages 10-13 yrs 6/30-7/3 M-Th 8 am-5 pm 10-13 yrs NP17503
Tualatin Hills Nature Center ID/AP: $277
OD: $346.25
Camp Green provides opportunities to delve into the natural Rooted in Nature
world in which we live. We'll do science-based activities and
explore how our daily lives intertwine with the environment. Become a forestry specialist this week, as we explore old and
Some camp themes will repeat over the summer; camps with the new growth forests across the region. This week will incorporate
same theme will have the same content. Bring lunch, drinking the topics of forest management, plant identification, and forest
water, two snacks, and a backpack daily. ecology. Field trips this week will bring us to stand next to trees
that are over four hundred years old and discover the effects of
Camp meets and picks up daily at the Tualatin Hills Nature forest disturbances such as weather, wind, and fire.
Center but does travel off-site for field trips to regional Field Trips: Tillamook Forest, Columbia River Gorge
locations. Field trip locations are subject to change. Campers 7/7- 7/11 M-F 8 am-5pm 10-13 yrs NP17504
must be dropped off by 8:30 am and will be available for pick- Tualatin Hills Nature Center ID/AP: $346 OD: $432.50
up starting at 4 pm.
A $30 deposit option is available for this camp. See the Camp
Deposits and Balances box on page 48 for details.
Fees: ID/AP = User is in district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out of district (no assessment paid)
54 Summer Camps 2025 Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District