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THPRD Aquatics - General Information
Aquatics Professional Training
Facility Date Day Time ID/AP OD Class #
Lifeguard Training
Ages 15+ years
Course focuses on the job of a lifeguard in a swimming pool environment. Certification includes first aid and CPR for the professional
rescuer. Prerequisites: 1) 300 yard swim (utilizing crawl stroke and breaststroke) 2) Swim 20 yards, submerge to a depth of 7-10 ft., retrieve
a 10 lb. diving brick, return to the surface and swim back to the starting point within 1 minute, 40 seconds. Certification Requirements: 1)
Attend all class hours (no make-ups, no exceptions). 2) Successfully complete all required skill testing in CPR for the Professional Rescuer and
AED, First Aid and Lifeguarding 3) Score 80% on the final written exams.
Aquatic Center 6/24-7/10 T/TH 11:30am-3:30pm $260 $325 AQ152000
Sunset Swim Center 7/1-7/3 T-TH 9am-5pm $260 $325 SS152001
Harman Swim Center 7/5-7/11 Sat & Sun, Fri 8:30am-5pm $260 $325 HM150000
Conestoga 7/19-7/27 Sat & Sun 9:15am-4pm $260 $325 CA152000
Beaverton Swim Center 8/22-8/24 Fri-Sun 9am-6pm $260 $325 BV152053
Junior Lifeguarding
Ages 12-15 years, Level 4+
THPRD’s Jr. Guard/Swim Aide course covers lifeguard standards, swim stroke progressions, and professionalism. Beginning emergency
response skills like first aid, CPR, and water rescues are introduced. During the course, students receive practical experience assisting swim
instructors and lifeguards. Participants will also develop their swimming strength, confidence, and technique.
To enroll, participants should be able to swim 100 yards with rhythmic breathing, tread water for 1 minute, and be comfortable in deep water.
Jr. Lifeguarding classes will also be offered in a camp format throughout the District! Please see center pages for additional details.
Aquatic Center 7/29-8/07 T/TH 1-5pm $100 $125 AQ15100
Junior Lifeguarding- Alternate Track
Ages 12-15 years
THPRD’s Jr. Guard Alternate Track course covers the same topics outlined in the Jr. Guard course description, with an emphasis on building
swimming skills. While participants do not need to know how to swim prior to taking the course, they should be comfortable standing in
shallow water.
Harman Swim Center 6/17-7/17 T/TH 12:15-2:30pm $100 $125 HM15100A
Harman Swim Center 7/22-8/21 T/TH 12:15-2:30pm $100 $125 HM151001A
Earn to Learn
Apply to become a lifeguard or swim instructor to “earn to learn” for all ages 16+ to an aquatic career at Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation
District. Learn the skills and confidence to become an employee while obtaining the necessary certificates.
Apply Today! Go to to learn how to get started!
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District Summer 2025 Activities Guide 73