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THPRD Aquatics - General Information
THPRD Learn To Swim Program
Preschool Swimming Classes swim winging and kicking on their preparation for lifeguarding. Upon
Ages 3-6 who have not started first back for a total of 15 yards. successful completion, they will have
grade. Level 4 The focus is continued stroke completed a 500-yard continuous
School-age Classes development on crawl stroke and swim, tried skills from each of the
competitive aquatic sports, and
Ages 6-12 who have started first backstroke, getting ready for more learned some basic water safety skills.
grade. advanced strokes, and starting the
The prerequisite for each level is diving progression with sitting and
completing all skills in the previous kneeling dives. Upon successful Safety Skills: Safety skills are an
level confidently, consistently, and completion, swimmers will be integral part of the learn to swim
comfortably. There is no prerequisite able to swim crawl stroke and program. Appropriate safety skills will
for Level 1. backstroke for 15 yards and pass be incorporated into each session of
Level 1 The focus is submersion the swim test. lessons.
and breath control working on Level 5 The focus is increasing
independent floating, gliding, and stroke proficiency and endurance, Swim Lesson Level Registration Guide
kicking on front and back. Upon learning breaststroke, and
successful completion, swimmers continuing the diving progression • Students aged six months to three
will be able to kick while using a with standing dives. Upon years register for Baby/Toddler &
kickboard, float on their front and successful completion, swimmers Me.
back, steamboat and back glide for will be able to swim 50 yards • Students at least three years old,
two body lengths and jump into the crawl stroke, 50 yards backstroke, not started first grade and toilet
water, all unassisted. and 25 yards of breaststroke with trained register for Preschool Level
Level 2 The focus is working on proper timing and technique. 1-3. Another option is You and Your
productive, propulsive arm strokes Level 6 The focus is continued
and effective kicks on front and stroke proficiency and endurance, • Students who have started first
back. Upon successful completion, learning butterfly, and finishing grade through age 12 register for
the swimmer will be able to the diving progression with long, School Age Level 1-4.
coordinate side breathing with arm shallow dives. Upon successful • Students swimming 25 yards of
strokes on a kickboard, swim five completion, swimmers will be strong front crawl (head down with
body lengths on their back doing able to swim continuously for 300 side breathing, stretched kicks, and
winging and kicking, and jump into yards, tread water for two minutes, arms over the water) and 25 yards
the water then swim to the wall and demonstrate underwater of strong backstroke (feet and body
unassisted. swimming. near the surface and arms reaching
Level 3 The focus is crawl stroke Level 7 The focus is stroke straight up out of the water) register
proficiency, introduction of new back refinement, preparation for the for Level 5-7.
skills, and orienting to deeper water. competitive aquatic activities like
Upon successful completion, they swim team, diving, water polo, • Level assessments will be done on
will be able to catch 5 breaths doing and synchronized swimming, and the first day of class for all students.
crawl stroke, roll on their back, then
Specialty Instruction
Baby & Me / Toddler & Me Adaptive Aquatics Splash
Babies 6 mos-2 yrs / toddlers 2-3 yrs An instruction program for all ages experiencing A recreational swim team with a focus on
A water adjustment class for parent and child. disabilities. Our trained instructors provide a one- stroke refinement, building endurance,
Basic skills are introduced with games and on-one learning opportunity. ADA water/aquatic and sportsmanship. Participants must be
songs. Swim diapers required. lift available at all pools. between the ages of 5 and 17 and be able
to swim 25 yards of crawl stroke and 25
You & Your Preschooler Diving Instruction yards of backstroke. While not required to
3 yrs-5 yrs 11 mos Prerequisite: 25 yards crawl and 25 yards on compete, swim meets are held on some
A water adjustment class for preschool back. Saturdays during the season.
students who have had difficulty transitioning Levels 1 & 2 - Class will teach basics. Summer Meet Dates:
to a class without parent participation. Basic Levels 3 & 4 - For continuing divers. 6/28, 7/19, 8/2, 8/16
skills from Level 1 are introduced, with parent
participation in the water.
72 Summer 2025 Activities Guide Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District