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Summer Camps
Conestoga Recreation & Aquatic Center 503-629-6313
Sport Camps Rocket Rally Pickleball Camp
Serve up some fun this week practicing one of the fastest growing
Bump, Set, Spike! Volleyball Camp sports around - Pickleball! You'll have a blast learning the basics of
pickleball through games and drills. With friendly competition you'll
Learn the fundamentals of volleyball in this beginner-friendly camp. rally, play, and have an action-filled week. Each camp day includes
Develop teamwork and confidence as you bump, set, spike, and skill practice, drills, and technique instruction Please bring a snack
serve your way through exciting drills and fun games. Put those new and water bottle daily. Camp will take place at the Conestoga
skills to the test with scrimmages and friendly competition. Please Recreation & Aquatic Center.
bring a snack and water bottle each day. No camp 7/4. 6/23-6/27 (1) M-F 9 am-12 pm 7-12 yrs CO12240
6/30-7/3 (1) M/T/W/Th 1-4 pm 7-12 yrs CO12231 GYM #1 ID/AP: $201 OD: $251.25
GYM #2 ID/AP: $167 OD: $208.75 7/7-7/11 (1) M-F 1-4 pm 7-12 yrs CO12241
8/11-8/15 (1) M-F 1-4 pm 7-12 yrs CO12232 GYM #2 ID/AP: $201 OD: $251.25
GYM #2 ID/AP: $201 OD: $251.25
Sabre Fencing Camp
Foundation Builders Basketball Camp Learn the basic tactical and technical skills of the Olympic
Join us for a basketball skill-building camp! This camp is perfect for sport of saber fencing. This dynamic sport offers challenges to
young basketball enthusiasts who want to improve their skills, learn quick thinking (it is like the physical game of chess!), improves
cool moves, and make new friends on the court. Enhance your game coordination, strength, and agility. Fun games are incorporated
through shooting, passing, and footwork drills and mini-games. while learning the footwork and drills. Safety is emphasized.
Please bring a snack and water bottle each day. No camp 6/19, Sanitized equipment is assigned to each individual on the first day.
6/20. All equipment is provided. Sabre fencing skills are introduced
6/16-6/18 (1) M/T/W 1-4 pm 7-12 yrs CO12234 with skill practice and technique instruction provided by Oregon
GYM #2 ID/AP: $132 OD: $165 Fencing Alliance.
7/7-7/11 (1) M-F 9 am-12 pm 7-12 yrs CO12242
GYM #1
All Star Skills Basketball Camp 7/21-7/25 (1) M-F ID/AP: $200 OD: $250 CO12243
9 am-12 pm
7-12 yrs
In this camp, players will sharpen fundamental skills with a focus on GYM #1 ID/AP: $200 OD: $250
ball control, shooting, dribbling, passing, footwork, and in-game 7/28-8/1 (1) M-F 9 am-12 pm 7-12 yrs CO12244
strategies. Elevate your game through instruction designed to GYM #1 ID/AP: $200 OD: $250
enhance overall basketball proficiency. Slam dunk into fun games 8/4-8/8 (1) M-F 9 am-12 pm 7-12 yrs CO12245
and new friendships along the way. Please bring a snack and water GYM #1 ID/AP: $200 OD: $250
bottle each day.
7/28-8/1 (1) M-F 1-4 pm 7-12 yrs CO12230
GYM #2 ID/AP: $201 OD: $251.25 Serve and Swing Tennis Camp
Serve up a great summer and improve your tennis game! At Serve
Rally Rockstars Tennis Camp and Swing, you'll enjoy a week of nonstop fun, games, and tennis
action. Sharpen your serve, nail those volleys, and improve your
Serve up a great summer and improve your tennis game! At Rally forehand and backhand through friendly matches and drills. Elevate
Rockstars, you'll enjoy a week of nonstop fun, games, and tennis your game and make friends on the court while you work on
action. Sharpen your serve, nail those volleys, and improve your your skills and hand-eye coordination. This camp is for beginning
forehand and backhand through friendly matches and drills. Elevate tennis players. Please bring a snack, water bottle, sunblock, and
your game and make friends on the court while you work on hat to camp each day. Drop-off & pick-up will be at Conestoga
your skills and hand-eye coordination. This camp is for beginning Recreation & Aquatic Center on the back patio. Location: Offsite
tennis players. Please bring a snack, water bottle, sunblock, and at Conestoga Middle School.
hat to camp each day. Drop-off & pick-up will be at Conestoga 7/7-7/11 (1) M-F 9 am-12 pm 6-8 yrs CO12246
Recreation & Aquatic Center on the back patio. Location: Offsite CMS Tennis Courts ID/AP: $201 OD: $251.25
at Conestoga Middle School. 7/28-8/1 (1) M-F 1-4 pm 6-8 yrs CO12247
7/28-8/1 (1) M-F 9 am-12 pm 9-12 yrs CO12238 CMS Tennis Courts ID/AP: $201 OD: $251.25
CMS Tennis Courts ID/AP: $201 OD: $251.25
7/7-7/11 (1) M-F 1-4 pm 9-12 yrs CO12239
CMS Tennis Courts ID/AP: $201 OD: $251.25 Sparkle and Spirit Cheer Camp
Get ready to shine at this high-energy introductory cheer camp.
No prior cheer or gymnastic experience is necessary. This week is
all about bringing cheer to every moment with choreography and
cheers that will leave campers feeling confident and empowered.
From fun games to skill building, campers will end camp sparkling
with cheer! Please bring a snack and water bottle to camp each day.
6/23-6/27 (1) M-F 1-4 pm 6-8 yrs CO12248
Rm 201 ID/AP: $201 OD: $251.25
Fees: ID/AP = User is in district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out of district (no assessment paid) Summer Camps 2025 Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District 35