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Summer Camps
Conestoga Recreation & Aquatic Center 503-629-6313
Mystery Ingredient Challenge Cooking Adventures in Cardboard:
Camp Cardboard Metropolis
Get ready for a week of culinary adventure! Each day, campers will Enter a world of imagination where kids become architects and
face a new challenge as they uncover a secret ingredient that must urban planners. Design and build their own themed cities, all from
be included in their dish. This week is all about creativity, problem cardboard! Campers will work individually and in teams to create
solving, and thinking outside the box. Through fun, hands-on buildings, bridges, and sculptures. There are endless possibilities!
cooking experiences campers will unlock the potential of unexpected Bring a water bottle and snack each day.
ingredients. Come ready to have fun cooking in our indoor and our 8/4-8/8 (1) M-F 1-4 pm 8-12 yrs CO18201
outdoor kitchens! Please note we cannot guarantee an allergy-free GYM #2 ID/AP: $196 OD: $245
environment or menu. No camp on 8/21.
8/18-8/20 (1) M/T/W 9 am-12 pm 10-14 yrs CO15209 Adventures in Cardboard:
Rm 202 ID/AP: $185 OD: $231.25
Castles of Cardboard
Dance Camps Step into a world where creativity and craftsmanship reign supreme
as we challenge campers to build castles, armor, and more - all
from the humble material of cardboard. Young artisans will use their
Hip Hop Hype Dance Camp imagination to design and construct their own medieval creations. Get
ready to wield your duct tape, test your designs in action, and rule the
Get hyped for an epic week of dancing, fun, fresh moves. This camp is all cardboard kingdom! Bring a water bottle and snack each day. their
about bringing energy, creativity, and style to the dance floor. This camp own themed cities, all from cardboard! Campers will work individually
will provide an introduction to hip hop steps, while focusing on rhythm, and in teams to create buildings, bridges, and sculptures. There are
musicality, balance and coordination. From funky crafts to rhythmic games, endless possibilities! Bring a water bottle and snack each day.
campers will be moving to the beat all day long. Please send a snack and a 8/18-8/22 (1) M-F 9 am-12 pm 8-12 yrs CO18202
water bottle every day. No camp 8/21, 8/22. GYM #2 ID/AP: $196 OD: $245
8/18-8/20 (1) M/T/W 1-4 pm 7-10 yrs CO11200
Rm 204 ID/AP: $155 OD: $193.75 Brick Builders Camp
Fitness Camps Welcome to the Brick Builders Camp! Let creativity soar as kids
dive into the world of LEGO®. Through imaginative challenges and
endless possibilities, campers build, design, and explore the wonders
Weight Training Camp of this iconic brick universe. Please bring a snack and a water bottle
every day.
Are you going out for a sport this fall? Want to get a head start on 6/23-6/27 (1) M-F 1-4 pm 6-10 yrs CO18203
conditioning? Come join us this summer at Conestoga and become GYM #2 ID/AP: $196 OD: $245
a strong and fit athlete. This camp will focus on weight training, 7/14-7/18 (1) M-F 9 am-12 pm 6-10 yrs CO18204
with time in the weight room in addition to games, agility drills, and GYM #2 ID/AP: $196 OD: $245
conditioning. Develop your speed, power, and agility! No camp 7/4. 8/18-8/22 (1) M-F 1-4 pm 6-10 yrs CO18205
6/23-7/03 (2) M/T/W/Th 12-2pm 11-14 yrs CO12522 GYM #2 ID/AP: $196 OD: $245
Weight Room ID/AP: $148 OD: $185
Specialty Camps Comic Book Creations Camp
Make up imaginary, stories and more through graphic novels. Learn
to use pictures, symbols, and text to convey information quickly
and simply. Camp will discuss different types of humor and employ
Adventures in Cardboard: elements of storytelling and graphic novel imagery. Please bring a
The Original Sandbox snack and water bottle every day. No camp 7/4. CO14207
6/30-7/3 (1)
7-12 yrs
10 am-1 pm
Kids will unleash their imagination by designing and building amazing Rm 200 ID/AP: $180 OD: $225
structures - all using cardboard! Campers are welcome to bring any
of their ideas to the table in this creativity-based camp. From creating
costumes and cities, to playing adventure games, this camp is packed Drama Camp Just for Kids
with fun! Please bring a water bottle and snack each day. Create your very own play! Learn improvisational stills, stage
7/14-7/18 (1) M-F 9 am-12 pm 8-12 yrs CO18200 presence, and timing. Build imagination and listening skills through
GYM #1 ID/AP: $196 OD: $245 exciting and fun drama games. You'll write your own scripts, make
stage props, and perform your complete play on that last day of
camp. Bravo! Please bring a snack and water bottle every day.
7/28-8/1 (1) M-F 10 am-1 pm 8-13 yrs CO14208
Rm 200 ID/AP: $214 OD: $267.50
Fees: ID/AP = User is in district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out of district (no assessment paid) Summer Camps 2025 Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District 33