Page 186 - thprd_2025_Summer_AG_web1
P. 186
Mission Statement The mission of the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District is to provide high-
quality park and recreation facilities, programs, services, and natural areas that
meet the needs of the diverse communities it serves.
Vision Statement We will enhance healthy and active lifestyles while connecting more people
to nature, parks, and programs. We will do this through stewardship of public
resources and by providing programs/spaces to fulfill unmet needs.
Equity & Inclusion We acknowledge that all U.S. government agencies have roots stemming
Statement from systemic racism and oppression, including THPRD.
We seek to hold ourselves accountable for our role in perpetuating these
systems and are committed to taking action to create meaningful change.
We aspire to bring people together, to be a welcoming and inclusive park &
recreation district, and to live our values of advancing social and racial equity.
Board of Directors
Felicita Monteblanco Alfredo Moreno Barbie Minor Miles Palacios Tya Ping
Director President Secretary Director Secretary Pro-Tempore
Director Director Director
Management Team
Doug Menke, General Manager Jared Isaksen, Finance Services Director/ CFO
Aisha Panas, Deputy General Manager Julie Rocha, Sports & Inclusion Director
Jessica Collins, Executive Assistant Sabrina Taylor Schmitt, Recreation & Aquatic Director
Holly Thompson, Communications Director