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Nature Programs 503-629-6350
Nature Studies – Youth/Family
Nature Kids Dates (Weeks) Day Time Ages Class #
Location ID/AP/OD
Preschool Program Knee-High Naturalists
This September-through-May nature-based program for Get outside, meet other families, and explore the wildlife in the Tualatin Hills Nature
preschoolers introduces developmentally appropriate Park on these nature adventures. Price includes one child and two additional family
activities throughout the year in a curriculum that focuses members. An adult is required to accompany each registered child.
on experiential learning through exposure to nature and 6/28 S 10-11 am 2-5 yrs NP15101
the changing seasons. Children develop skills through Tualatin Hills Nature Center ID/AP: $10 OD: $12.50
tactile activities, play, and academic experiences. There is 7/26 S 10-11 am 2-5 yrs NP15102
Tualatin Hills Nature Center
guidance to advance their communication and problem- 8/9 S 10-11 am ID/AP: $10 OD: $12.50
2-5 yrs
solving skills in a safe, active, natural environment. Tualatin Hills Nature Center ID/AP: $10 OD: $12.50
Ages 3-4 9/6 S 10-11 am 2-5 yrs NP15104
Tualatin Hills Nature Center ID/AP: $10 OD: $12.50
T/Th 9-11:30 am $290/month (2025-26 school year) Pequeños Naturalistas
Tualatin Hills Nature Center Salga, conozca a otras familias y explore la vida silvestre en nuestro parque
Hummingbirds natural en estas aventuras de la naturaleza, dirigidas por nuestro guía que habla
T/Th 9-11:30 am $290/month (2025-26 school year) español. El precio es por un niño y dos miembros adicionales de la familia.
Jenkins Estate Se requiere la participación de un adulto.
Ages 4-5 Get outside, meet other families, and explore the wildlife in the Tualatin
Hills Nature Park on these nature adventures led by our Spanish-speaking
Ladybugs nature guide. The price includes one child and two additional family
M/W/F 8:30-11:30 am $398/month (2025-26 school year) members. An adult is required to accompany each registered child.
Tualatin Hills Nature Center
Owls 6/21 S 10-11 am 2-5 yrs NP15121
ID/AP: $10
OD: $12.50
Tualatin Hills Nature Center
M/W/F 1-4 pm $398/month (2025-26 school year) 7/13 Su 2-3 pm 2-5 yrs NP15122
Tualatin Hills Nature Center Tualatin Hills Nature Center ID/AP: $10 OD: $12.50
Dragonflies 8/24 Su 2-3 pm 2-5 yrs NP15123
M/W/F 9 am-noon $398/month (2025-26 school year) Tualatin Hills Nature Center ID/AP: $10 OD: $12.50
Jenkins Estate
Grown-up and Me Nature Yogis
A space for kids and their grown-ups to play together and develop a love
for nature and yoga while meeting other families in the beautiful setting
of the Tualatin Hills Nature Park. Class meets each Saturday for 4 weeks.
Registration fee is per child, adult participation required.
7/12-8/2 (4) S 9-10 am 2-5 yrs NP15132
Tualatin Hills Nature Center ID/AP: $46 OD: $57.50
Little Nature Yogis
During this four-week series, children will use their imaginations, build their
social skills, and develop a love for nature while learning fun yoga and
movement exercises, songs and games in the Tualatin Hills Nature Park.
7/12-8/2 (4) S 11 am-noon 5-8 yrs NP15131
Tualatin Hills Nature Center ID/AP: $46 OD: $57.50
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District Summer 2025 Activities Guide 155