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Elsie Stuhr Center 503-629-6342 Elsie Stuhr Center 503-629-6342
Summer Sock Hop
Wellness Walk Mondays Put on your poodle skirts and leather jackets for a rockin' night of classic
'50s fun! Dance to timeless hits, sip on root beer floats, and enjoy a
Join us for Wellness Walks! Enjoy a refreshing walk around the area near nostalgic evening filled with retro charm. Don’t forget your saddle shoes
the center. These free walks are open to everyone. Stay active, connect and best dance moves!
with others, and embrace wellness together!
8/15 F 2-4 pm ES11602
Please meet outside the front lobby of the Elsie Stuhr Center by 9am. Manzanita ID/AP: $3 SD: $3 OD: $5
Monday, June 16 Those Summer Nights Dance
Monday, July 14 Get ready for a Grease-inspired evening filled with lively music, retro vibes,
Monday, August 18 and plenty of summer fun. Don your best Pink Ladies or T-Birds swag, hit
the dance floor, and let the good times roll!
6/20 F 2-4 pm ES11601
Manzanita ID/AP: $3 SD: $3 OD: $5
Breakfast and a Hike - Hale's & Jackson Bottom Wetlands
Join us as we meet at the Elsie Stuhr Center to board a small bus toward
Hale's Restaurant in Hillsboro. Enjoy the breakfast of your choice before
we head south to the beautiful Jackson Bottom Wetlands where a 1.4-mile
looped trail awaits us. Cost of breakfast is not included. Trail difficulty:
7/1 T 9 am-12 pm ES16604
OffSite ID/AP: $27 SD: $24.25 OD: $33.75
SPECIAL EVENTS Breakfast and a Hike - Fat Milo's & Tualatin River National
Wildlife Refuge
Grandparents Camp Join us as we meet at the Elsie Stuhr Center to board a small bus toward
Calling all abuelas, babushkas, pop pops and mimis! Join us for an exciting Fat Milo's. Enjoy the breakfast dishes of your choice before we make our
week of inter-generational bonding and nature adventures at Grandparents way to the beautiful Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge where a 1.4-
Camp! Co-hosted with the Nature Center in partnership with Elsie Stuhr mile loop trail awaits us. Cost of breakfast is not included. Trail difficulty:
Center, this camp is designed to create lasting memories and strengthen Easy.
the special connection between grandparents and their grandchildren.
Throughout the week, the young and young-at-heart will have the 8/5 T 9 am-12 pm ES16605
opportunity to collaborate on nature-inspired crafts, learn about local flora OffSite ID/AP: $27 SD: $24.25 OD: $33.75
and fauna, and participate in team-building games that strengthen familial
bonds. Each participant should bring lunch, drinking water, a small snack,
and a backpack daily. Cancellations made at least 14 days before the start
date will be refunded. Registration fee is per child, adult participation is
required, up to 2 children per adult.
6/25-6/27 W/Th/F 9 am-1 pm ES17601
Poplar ID/AP: $120 SD: $108 OD: $150
7/9-7/11 W/Th/F 9 am-1 pm ES17602
Poplar ID/AP: $120 SD: $108 OD: $150
8/6-8/8 W/Th/F 9 am-1 pm ES17603
Poplar ID/AP: $120 SD: $108 OD: $150
Fees: ID/AP=User is in-district or has paid an out-of-district assessment SD=Senior Discount OD=Out-of-district (no assessment paid)
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District Summer 2025 Activities Guide 139