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Beaverton Swim Center                                                        503-629-6312

        Intermediate Swimming Skills                         Diving
        Date     Day    Time       ID/AP    OD  Class#       No class 6/19, 7/4 , 7/5.
         Preschool/School Age Level 5-7                     6/17-7/17   T/Th   10-10:45 am   $90   $112.50  BV13508
         No class 6/19, 7/4, 7/5.                           7/22-8/21   T/Th   10-10:45 am   $100   $125   BV13509
        6/16-6/27   M-F   12:10-12:40 pm   $92   $115   BV125025  Training or Professional Classes
        6/30-7/11   M-F   12:10-12:40 pm   $92   $115   BV125026
        7/14-7/25   M-F   12:10-12:40 pm   $101   $126.25  BV125027  Date  Day  Time   ID/AP    OD   Class#
        7/28-8/8   M-F   12:10-12:40 pm   $101   $126.25  BV125028
        8/11-8/22   M-F   12:10-12:40 pm   $101   $126.25  BV125029  Lifeguard Training
        6/21-8/23   S   9-9:30 am   $92   $115   BV125057    This is a "BLENDED LEARNING" lifeguard class. Prerequisites: Minimum
        6/21-8/23   S   10:10-10:40 am   $92   $115   BV125059  age: 15 years; Swim 150 yards continuously; Tread water for 2 minutes
        6/21-8/23   S   11:35 am-12:05 pm $92   $115   BV125061  using only the legs and swim an addtional 50 yards; Complete a timed event
                                                             within 1 minute, 40 seconds by starting in the water, swimming 20 yards,
                                                             surface dive to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object, return
        Specialty Programs                                   to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point,
                                                             two hands must remain on the brick, exit the water without using steps or
        Date     Day    Time       ID/AP    OD  Class#       a ladder. Participants who successfully complete the Lifeguarding course
                                                             receive an American Red Cross certificate for Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/
         Baby/Toddler & Me                                   AED, valid for 2 years. After registering, the facility will contact participants
         Ages 6 month to 3 years old.                        to set up the pre-test. Successful completion of the pretest and online
                                                             learning is required for participation.
         Water adjustment class for adult and child.  Basic skills are introduced with
         games and songs.  Swim diapers required. One adult with each child.  8/22-8/24   F/S/Su  9 am-6 pm   $260   $325   BV152053
         No class 6/19, 7/4, 7/5.
        6/16-6/27   M-F   9:35-10:05 am   $61   $76.25  BV140005
        6/30-7/11   M-F   9:35-10:05 am   $61   $76.25  BV140006
        7/14-7/25   M-F   9:35-10:05 am   $67   $83.75  BV140007
        7/28-8/8   M-F   9:35-10:05 am   $67   $83.75  BV140008
        8/11-8/22   M-F   9:35-10:05 am   $67   $83.75  BV140009
        6/17-7/17   T/Th   4:20-4:50 pm   $61   $76.25  BV140046
        7/22-8/21   T/Th   4:20-4:50 pm   $67   $83.75  BV140047
        6/21-8/23   S   9:35-10:05 am   $61   $76.25  BV140058

         You & Your Aqua Explorers
         Ages 2 years to 4 years old.
         Help your child learn introduction to preschool level one skills.  Your little
         swimmer will build confidence in a class setting with you by their side. Swim
         diapers required or toilet trained. One adult with each child.
         No class 6/19, 7/4, 7/5.

        6/21-8/23   S   11-11:30 am   $61   $76.25  BV141060
         Teen/Adult Swimming Skills
         No class 6/19, 7/4, 7/5.
        6/16-6/27   M-F   9-9:30 am   $92   $115   BV150000       Is your child new to THPRD?
        6/30-7/11   M-F   9-9:30 am   $92   $115   BV150001
        7/14-7/25   M-F   9-9:30 am   $101   $126.25  BV150002  THPRD offers swimming level assessments to ensure registration in
                                                             the appropriate level.
        7/28-8/8   M-F   9-9:30 am   $101   $126.25  BV150003
        8/11-8/22   M-F   9-9:30 am   $101   $126.25  BV150004  If you child is new to our lesson program or has not had lessons
        6/16-7/16   M/W   6:55-7:25 pm   $101   $126.25  BV150041  with THPRD in the past six months, an assessment is encouraged.
        7/21-8/20   M/W   6:55-7:25 pm   $101   $126.25  BV150042  Call 503-629-6312 for an appointment.
        6/17-7/17   T/Th   6:55-7:25 pm   $92   $115   BV150055
        7/22-8/21   T/Th   6:55-7:25 pm   $101   $126.25  BV150056
        6/21-8/23   S   9-9:30 am   $92   $115   BV150057       Lap Swim, Open Swim, and
                                                                    Independent Exercise

                                                             Please see online schedule at for updated details about
                                                             limited lanes, shared pool times, and open swim. Paper schedules
                                                             are available on site.

        Fees: ID/AP = User is in-district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out-of-district (no assessment paid)
        86             Summer 2025 Activities Guide          Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District
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